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Join overlaping sf objects using specific attribute condition


I have multiple dataframes (sf objects). Each dataframe contains a geometry, name and probability column. They all have the same extents, but only overlap in some regions.

Here is some example data using two dataframes:

a<-nc %>%
  select(c('geom')) %>%
  slice(1:60) %>%
                    max=100)) %>%
b<-nc %>%
  select(c('geom')) %>%
  slice(50:100) %>%
                    max=100)) %>%

I would like to merge/join these two dataframes (a and b), but in the regions where they overlap, I would like to only keep the name where the probability is highest. The new dataframe should contain the name and probability.

How would I start with such a problem?

CodePudding user response:

In most cases you can handle sf objects as regular data.frames / tibbles with added benefits of spatial joins. Following example uses st_equals to limit matches to only those that originate from nc[50:60,] (neighbouring polygons in nc overlap, so the number of matches with st_intersects would be higher), for your real data you probably want to use something else (like default st_intersects), check ?st_join for alternatives.


# by default st_join uses st_intersects predicate & left_join
# switching to st_equals & inner join
ab <- st_join(a, b, join = st_equals, suffix = c("_a", "_b"), left = F) %>%
    name = if_else(probability_a > probability_b, name_a, name_b),
    probability = pmax(probability_a, probability_b)
    # uncomment to only keep unused columns
    # , .keep = "unused"

  geom_sf(data = a,  aes(alpha = probability), color = "gray80", fill = "red")  
  geom_sf(data = b,  aes(alpha = probability), color = "gray80", fill = "green")  
  geom_sf(data = ab, aes(alpha = probability), color = "gray80", fill = "blue")  
  geom_sf_label(data = ab, aes(label = name), alpha = .5)  

Resulting sf:

#> Simple feature collection with 11 features and 6 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -83.9547 ymin: 35.18983 xmax: -75.45698 ymax: 36.22926
#> Geodetic CRS:  NAD27
#> First 10 features:
#>    probability_a name_a probability_b name_b                           geom
#> 50     69.580424      A     91.374717      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-80.29824 3...
#> 51     48.284343      A     30.066734      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-77.47388 3...
#> 52     86.259738      A     46.447507      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-80.96143 3...
#> 53     44.371614      A     33.907073      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-82.2581 35...
#> 54     25.234930      A     65.436176      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-78.53874 3...
#> 55      7.997226      A     26.543661      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-82.74389 3...
#> 56     10.847150      A     48.375980      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-75.78317 3...
#> 57     32.310899      A     76.864756      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-77.10377 3...
#> 58     52.344792      A      9.340445      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-83.33182 3...
#> 59     66.538503      A     87.656812      B MULTIPOLYGON (((-77.80518 3...
#>    name probability
#> 50    B    91.37472
#> 51    A    48.28434
#> 52    A    86.25974
#> 53    A    44.37161
#> 54    B    65.43618
#> 55    B    26.54366
#> 56    B    48.37598
#> 57    B    76.86476
#> 58    A    52.34479
#> 59    B    87.65681


nc <- st_read(
    package = "sf"
  quiet = TRUE
a <- nc %>%
  select(c("geom")) %>%
  slice(1:60) %>%
  mutate(probability = runif(
    n = 60,
    min = 1,
    max = 100
  )) %>%
  mutate(name = "A")
b <- nc %>%
  select(c("geom")) %>%
  slice(50:100) %>%
  mutate(probability = runif(
    n = 51,
    min = 1,
    max = 100
  )) %>%
  mutate(name = "B")

Created on 2022-11-21 with reprex v2.0.2

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