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How to extend calendar periods to complete a dataframe in R?


The code posted at the bottom does a nice job of filling in a dataframe, using package tidyr, so that all ID's end up with the same number of periods, in the case of period defined as number of months ("Period_1" in the below code). Base dataframe testDF has ID of 1 with 5 periods, and ID of 50 and 60 with only 3 periods each. The tidyr code creates additional periods ("Period_1") for ID of 50 and 60 so they too have 5 Period_1´s. The code copies down the "Bal" and "State" fields so that all ID end up with the same number of Period_1, which is correct.

However, how would I extend the calendar month expression of "Period_2" in the same manner, as illustrated immediately below?

enter image description here



testDF <-
    ID = as.numeric(c(rep(1,5),rep(50,3),rep(60,3))),
    Period_1 = as.numeric(c(1:5,1:3,1:3)),
    Period_2 = c("2012-06","2012-07","2012-08","2012-09","2012-10","2013-06","2013-07","2013-08","2012-01","2012-02","2012-03"),
    Bal = as.numeric(c(rep(10,5),21:23,36:34)),
    State = c("XX","AA","BB","CC","XX","AA","BB","CC","SS","XX","AA")

testDFextend <-
  testDF %>%
  tidyr::complete(ID, nesting(Period_1)) %>%
  tidyr::fill(Bal, State, .direction = "down")


CodePudding user response:

by ID you can strsplit the date, and take the elements to create a new data.frame to merge with.

ml <- max(with(testDF, tapply(ID, ID, length)))  ## get max. period length

by(testDF, testDF$ID, \(x) {
  sp <- strsplit(x$Period_2, '-')
  s <- as.numeric(sp[[1]][[2]])
  if (ml != nrow(x))
  merge(x, data.frame(Period_2=paste0(sp[[1]][[1]], '-', sprintf('d', (s   nrow(x)):(s   ml - 1))),
                      Period_1=(nrow(x)   1):ml,
                      ID=x$ID[nrow(x)], Bal=x$Bal[nrow(x)], State=x$State[nrow(x)]), all=TRUE)
  else x
}) |> c(make.row.names=FALSE) |> do.call(what=rbind)
#    ID Period_1 Period_2 Bal State
# 1   1        1  2012-06  10    XX
# 2   1        2  2012-07  10    AA
# 3   1        3  2012-08  10    BB
# 4   1        4  2012-09  10    CC
# 5   1        5  2012-10  10    XX
# 6  50        1  2013-06  21    AA
# 7  50        2  2013-07  22    BB
# 8  50        3  2013-08  23    CC
# 9  50        4  2013-09  23    CC
# 10 50        5  2013-10  23    CC
# 11 60        1  2012-01  36    SS
# 12 60        2  2012-02  35    XX
# 13 60        3  2012-03  34    AA
# 14 60        4  2012-04  34    AA
# 15 60        5  2012-05  34    AA


For older R versions (although it's recommended to always use update software), do:

do.call(c(by(testDF, testDF$ID, function(x) {
  sp <- strsplit(x$Period_2, '-')
  s <- as.numeric(sp[[1]][[2]])
  if (ml != nrow(x))
    merge(x, data.frame(Period_2=paste0(sp[[1]][[1]], '-', sprintf('d', (s   nrow(x)):(s   ml - 1))),
                        Period_1=(nrow(x)   1):ml,
                        ID=x$ID[nrow(x)], Bal=x$Bal[nrow(x)], State=x$State[nrow(x)]), all=TRUE)
  else x
}), make.row.names=FALSE), what=rbind)

CodePudding user response:

A tidyverse solution based on zoo::na.spline. Note that it does not handle year changes. It's harder than I thought, especially because zoo::na.spline does not seem to work on yearmon format.

testDFextend %>% 
  separate(Period_2, into = c("year", "month"), convert = TRUE) %>% 
  fill(year) %>% 
  group_by(ID) %>% 
  mutate(month = sprintf("d", zoo::na.spline(month))) %>% 
  unite("Period_2", year, month, sep = "-")


      ID Period_1 Period_2   Bal State
   <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <chr>
 1     1        1 2012-06     10 XX   
 2     1        2 2012-07     10 AA   
 3     1        3 2012-08     10 BB   
 4     1        4 2012-09     10 CC   
 5     1        5 2012-10     10 XX   
 6    50        1 2013-06     21 AA   
 7    50        2 2013-07     22 BB   
 8    50        3 2013-08     23 CC   
 9    50        4 2013-09     23 CC   
10    50        5 2013-10     23 CC   
11    60        1 2012-01     36 SS   
12    60        2 2012-02     35 XX   
13    60        3 2012-03     34 AA   
14    60        4 2012-04     34 AA   
15    60        5 2012-05     34 AA 

CodePudding user response:

I think the nicest way to do this is to make use of the padr package, which is built to pad data.frames where there are missing/incomplete columns.

This uses grouping and cur_data() to make the correct date sequence in Period_2.


n_periods <- 5

testDF %>%
  pad_int(end_val = n_periods , by = "Period_1", group = "ID") %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  mutate(Period_2 = as.Date(paste0(Period_2, "-01"))) %>%
  mutate(Period_2 = seq(cur_data()$Period_2[1], by = "months", length.out = 
    n_periods) %>% format("%Y-%m")) %>%
  fill(Bal, State) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(ID, Period_1, Period_2, Bal, State)    
      ID Period_1 Period_2   Bal State
   <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <chr>
 1     1        1 2012-06     10 XX   
 2     1        2 2012-07     10 AA   
 3     1        3 2012-08     10 BB   
 4     1        4 2012-09     10 CC   
 5     1        5 2012-10     10 XX   
 6    50        1 2013-06     21 AA   
 7    50        2 2013-07     22 BB   
 8    50        3 2013-08     23 CC   
 9    50        4 2013-09     23 CC   
10    50        5 2013-10     23 CC   
11    60        1 2012-01     36 SS   
12    60        2 2012-02     35 XX   
13    60        3 2012-03     34 AA   
14    60        4 2012-04     34 AA   
15    60        5 2012-05     34 AA 

Note that this will handle cases when the year rolls over to the next year during Period_2.

Finally, you could adjust n_periods if you needed a different number of periods (or use a function to figure it out automatically, like jay.sf's answer).

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