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Pivot multiple columns and on condition in one column


I need to pivot more than one column in spark scala like the exmple below : Input Dataframe Output Dataframe

  • RSECT between 1 to 6 Thank you

Tried different pivot but without succesful result

CodePudding user response:

I am not sure about a solution through pivot, but here is another outside of the box solution.

Assume data contains:

 ------ ----- ---- 
|Rax   |RSECT|rste|
 ------ ----- ---- 
|CUST1 |1    |aa  |
|CUST2 |2    |aa  |
|CUST3 |3    |aa  |
|CUST4 |4    |aa  |
|CUST5 |5    |aa  |
|CUST6 |6    |aa  |
|CUST7 |1    |bb  |
|CUST8 |2    |bb  |
|CUST9 |3    |bb  |
|CUST10|4    |bb  |
|CUST11|5    |bb  |
|CUST12|6    |bb  |
 ------ ----- ---- 

We can groupBy, collect_list and finally use selectExpr to extract values, as:

  .agg(collect_list(array("Rax", "RSECT")).as("array"))
    Array("rste")    expressions: _*

where expressions can be created as:

val nrElements = 6 // or you can aggregate and collect this to be your maximum number, whatever you need
var expressions = Array[String]()
for (i <- 0 until nrElements) {
  expressions = expressions :  
    s"array[$i][0] as Rax${i   1}" :  
    s"array[$i][1] as RSECT${i   1}"

Above statement would generate this output:

Array(array[0][0] as Rax1, array[0][1] as RSECT1, array[1][0] as Rax2, array[1][1] as RSECT2, array[2][0] as Rax3, array[2][1] as RSECT3, array[3][0] as Rax4, array[3][1] as RSECT4, array[4][0] as Rax5, array[4][1] as RSECT5, array[5][0] as Rax6, array[5][1] as RSECT6)

which we can use as an SQL expression.

The complete output looks like:

 ---- ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 
|rste|Rax1 |RSECT1|Rax2 |RSECT2|Rax3 |RSECT3|Rax4  |RSECT4|Rax5  |RSECT5|Rax6  |RSECT6|
 ---- ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 
|aa  |CUST1|1     |CUST2|2     |CUST3|3     |CUST4 |4     |CUST5 |5     |CUST6 |6     |
|bb  |CUST7|1     |CUST8|2     |CUST9|3     |CUST10|4     |CUST11|5     |CUST12|6     |
 ---- ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 

Good luck!

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