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Deleting rows with certain string in list of data frames


I have a list of data frames that look as follows:

df1<- data.frame(x1=c("Ben","ABC","Alex","Tim", "Lisa", "MJ", "ABC"), 

df2<- data.frame(x1=c("Alex","ABC","Tyler","Ben", "Lisa", "MJ", "ABC"), 

df3<- data.frame(x1=c("Lisa","ABC","Tyler","Ben", "Lisa", "MJ", "ABC"), 

df_list<-list(df1, df2, df3)

I want to delete all rows that contain the string "ABC" in all data frames in the list. In reality, my list of data frames contains many more data frames. Therefore, I do not want to perform the operation on each data frame seperately but directly to the list of data frames.

How could I do it? Thanks!

CodePudding user response:

You could use lapply with grepl like this:

lapply(df_list, \(x) x[!grepl("ABC", x$x1),])
#> [[1]]
#>     x1 x2 x3
#> 1  Ben  3  3
#> 3 Alex  9  6
#> 4  Tim  5  9
#> 5 Lisa  7  3
#> 6   MJ  2  1
#> [[2]]
#>      x1 x2 x3
#> 1  Alex  3  3
#> 3 Tyler  2  6
#> 4   Ben  5  5
#> 5  Lisa  7  3
#> 6    MJ  2  2
#> [[3]]
#>      x1 x2 x3
#> 1  Lisa  3  3
#> 3 Tyler  9  6
#> 4   Ben  5  9
#> 5  Lisa  7  3
#> 6    MJ  2  1

Created on 2022-12-23 with reprex v2.0.2

CodePudding user response:

> lapply(df_list,function(x){x[x$x1!="ABC",]})

    x1 x2 x3
1  Ben  3  3
3 Alex  9  6
4  Tim  5  9
5 Lisa  7  3
6   MJ  2  1

     x1 x2 x3
1  Alex  3  3
3 Tyler  5  5
4   Ben  7  3
5  Lisa  2  2
6    MJ NA NA

     x1 x2 x3
1  Lisa  3  3
3 Tyler  9  6
4   Ben  5  9
5  Lisa  7  3
6    MJ  2  1

CodePudding user response:


df_list %>%  
  map(., ~ .x %>% 
        filter(x1 != "ABC"))

    x1 x2 x3
1  Ben  3  3
2 Alex  9  6
3  Tim  5  9
4 Lisa  7  3
5   MJ  2  1

     x1 x2 x3
1  Alex  3  3
2 Tyler  2  6
3   Ben  5  5
4  Lisa  7  3
5    MJ  2  2

     x1 x2 x3
1  Lisa  3  3
2 Tyler  9  6
3   Ben  5  9
4  Lisa  7  3
5    MJ  2  1
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