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How to run a shell command inside a pod in the background?


I am trying to run an AWS CLI command in my pod. As the pod may take some time to complete i am trying to run it in the background Here is my command

kubectl -it exec  <podname> -- bash -c "aws s3api list-objects --bucket bucketname-1 --query 'Contents[?StorageClass==\"ONEZONE_IA\"].[Key,StorageClass]' --output text > /storage/ONEZONE_keys1.txt &"

when I run this command it becomes a defunct process process

when I run the command without the & in the end it works fine But the process gets terminated once the terminal is closed

Ultimately I just want to run this command as a cron job every day

Not sure whats wrong ,or this whole process can be done in a better way

Any help is much appreciated, Thank you

CodePudding user response:

I think nohup can help on this scenario. Try to execute this command with "nohup".


nohup "your command" > "redirect file-name" &

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