I have done a lot of research and it seems that multiplying by a % percentage doesn't seem possible in a BAT file ?
What I am trying to accomplish is asking a user for an input number ( lets call it A ) for example
Then multiplying that number by a set percentage number and then adding something like .41 to the total
so the equation in simple math would be a*xx% .41= ???
but I have not found a way to do this in a BAT file ...
Anyone ? Any ideas ? thank you for your time and assistance with solving this ?
I tried looking for the answers in google etc etc and doing it as simple math in BAT but it does not work :(
UPDATE ( ****** )
ok so I have the basics down after some further research but what I would like to do now is be able to save the variables to a text file test to see if the file exists if it does ask if the current values are correct and if no then give option to change them ( same if file doesn't exist )
here is what I have so far
@echo off
set /P x="Percentage:"
set /P y="Price:"
set /P Z="Fixed Rate:"
cscript //nologo calculate.vbs %x% %y% %z% > results.txt
set /P charge= < results.txt
del results.txt
echo charge Fee Total: %charge%
cscript //nologo calculate2.vbs %y% %charge% > results2.txt
set /P total= < results2.txt
del results2.txt
echo sale total amount: %total%
CodePudding user response:
From what I understand in your comments, your calculation should be ((%x% / 100^)*%y% %Z%
, if not, feel free to change them:
@echo off
if not exist "calculations.txt" call :setVars
if exist "calculations.txt" for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in ("calculations.txt") do set "%%i"
echo fixed rate = %Z%
echo Percentage = %x%
choice /c CR /M "Continue or re-set?"
if errorlevel 2 call :setVars
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in ("calculations.txt") do set "%%i"
set /P "y=Price: "
for /F "delims=" %%i in ('powershell ((%x% / 100^)*%y% %z%^)') do echo %%i
goto :EOF
set /P "x=Percentage: "
set /P "Z=Fixed Rate: "x
(echo x=%x%
echo z=%z%
The initial run will detect that calculations.txt
does not exist, and request the values. It will then pass them to the file, the next run, the file is found, and it will only request price, not fixed rate or percentage.
Additionally, to see what is in calculations.txt
simply add the line echo %x% %z%
before the line goto :EOF