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extract text from string data using SQL (with handing null values)


I have issue with extracting text from string data using T-SQL. I have following data and text that I would like to extract (value between second and third underscore:

sss_ss_d_a -> d
aaa_dd_b -> b
aaa_aa -> NULL

I know that there is a lot of similar topics, but I have problem especially with handling NULLs and situation when there are no delimiter after desired value

Thank you very much for your help, regards

CodePudding user response:

Try it like this:

Some sample data in a declared table

DECLARE @tbl TABLE(YourString VARCHAR(100));
INSERT INTO @tbl VALUES('sss_ss_d_a'),('aaa_dd_b'),('aaa_aa');

--The query

SELECT t.YourString
      ,CAST(CONCAT('<x>',REPLACE(t.YourString,'_','</x><x>'),'</x>') AS XML).value('/x[3]/text()[1]','nvarchar(max)')
FROM @tbl t;

The idea in short:

  • We replace the underscores with XML tags thus transforming the string to castable XML.
  • We use XQuery within .value to pick the third element.

Starting with v2016 the recommended approach uses JSON instead
(hint: we use "2" instead of "3" as JSON is zero-based).


The idea is roughly the same.

General hint: Both approaches might need escaping forbidden characters, such as < or & in XML or " in JSON. But this is easy...

  •  Tags:  
  • tsql
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