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import and merge dataset all in one step via iterative function?


These are the datasets I'm working on.

enter image description here

Since the P-ones have the following structure

# A tibble: 25 x 5
   ID    GR    SES   COND    `LPP2(1000-1500).POz`
   <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>                   <dbl>
 1 01    RP    V     NEG-CTR                 7.91 
 2 04    RP    V     NEG-CTR                 1.07 
 3 06    RP    V     NEG-CTR                 0.742
 4 07    RP    V     NEG-CTR                 4.49 
 5 08    RP    V     NEG-CTR                -2.43 
 6 09    RP    V     NEG-CTR                 0.649
 7 10    RP    V     NEG-CTR                 1.10 
 8 11    RP    V     NEG-CTR                -2.07 
 9 12    RP    V     NEG-CTR                10.9  
10 13    RP    V     NEG-CTR                 5.17 

While the V-ones have this following ones, with a more extended number of coulmns:

# A tibble: 25 x 16
   ID    GR    SES   COND    `P3(400-450).FCz` `P3(400-450).Cz` `P3(400-450).Pz` `LPPearly(500-700)~
   <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>               <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>               <dbl>
 1 01    RP    V     NEG-CTR           -11.6              -5.17            11.9             -11.8   
 2 04    RP    V     NEG-CTR            -0.314             2.23            15.1              -4.02  
 3 06    RP    V     NEG-CTR            -0.214            -1.30             3.14              4.47  
 4 07    RP    V     NEG-CTR            -2.83              2.19            13.7              -0.884 
 5 08    RP    V     NEG-CTR             4.24              2.45             7.48              1.15  
 6 09    RP    V     NEG-CTR             9.57             13.7             23.4              13.3   
 7 10    RP    V     NEG-CTR            -6.13             -4.13             6.27              0.0229
 8 11    RP    V     NEG-CTR             0.529             5.43            13.0               1.90  
 9 12    RP    V     NEG-CTR            -7.74             -2.41            15.8              -8.08  
10 13    RP    V     NEG-CTR             1.27              3.48             9.94              1.75  
# ... with 15 more rows, and 8 more variables: LPPearly(500-700).Cz <dbl>,
#   LPPearly(500-700).Pz <dbl>, LPP1(500-1000).FCz <dbl>, LPP1(500-1000).Cz <dbl>,
#   LPP1(500-1000).Pz <dbl>, LPP2(1000-1500).FCz <dbl>, LPP2(1000-1500).Cz <dbl>,
#   LPP2(1000-1500).Pz <dbl>

I've used the followinf procedure for importing and merging them together:

files <- list.files(pattern = "\\.xls")
for (i in 1:length(files)) {
  assign(gsub("\\.xls", "", files[i]), readxl::read_xls(files[i]))

data <- `RP-V-NEG-CTR` %>% 
  add_row(`RP-V-NEG-NOC`) %>% 
data1 <- `RP-POz-NEG-CTR` %>% 
  add_row(`RP-POz-NEG-NOC`) %>% 

data <- merge(data, data1, by = c('ID', 'GR', 'SES', 'COND'))

Since trying by this following code I've obtain a non-matched merged dataset:

filenames <- list.files(pattern = '^RP.*\\.xls$') 
> data <- purrr::map_df(filenames, readxl::read_excel)

Like this:

enter image description here

In the case I would ike to import already merged in a proper way, what am I suppsed to do/adjust?

Thanks in advance

CodePudding user response:

Maybe we need map2

filesv <- list.files(pattern = 'RP-V-.*\\.xls', full.names = TRUE)
filesp <- list.files(pattern = 'RP-P-.*\\.xls', full.names = TRUE)
nm1 <- str_c(str_remove(basename(filesv), "\\.xls"), 
             str_remove(basename(filesp), "\\.xls"), sep="_")
out <- map2(filesv, filesp, ~ {
           vdat <- readxl::read_excel(.x)
           pdat <- readxl::read_excel(.y)
           inner_join(vdat, pdat, by = c('ID', 'GR', 'SES', 'COND'))
  }) %>%
    setNames(nm1) %>%
    bind_rows(.id = 'grp')

Or if we don't need the 'grp' column

out <- map2_dfr(filesv, filesp, ~ {
           vdat <- readxl::read_excel(.x)
           pdat <- readxl::read_excel(.y)
           inner_join(vdat, pdat, by = c('ID', 'GR', 'SES', 'COND'))
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