Home > Software design >  How do you configure Spring Cloud Sleuth kafka zipkin sender to reduce the retention period?
How do you configure Spring Cloud Sleuth kafka zipkin sender to reduce the retention period?


I'm trying to set up so that when I deploy a new environment the zipkin Kafka topic used by spring cloud sleuth zipkin sender would have a low retention period since it will get processed by something else or it will be ignored (on the developer machine).

I tried to add this

public NewTopic zipkin() {

  return TopicBuilder.name("zipkin")
    .config(TopicConfig.RETENTION_MS_CONFIG, String.valueOf(Duration.ofMinutes(2).getSeconds() * 1000))

but that didn't work because the topic is already created and the configured already. I know I can do

kafka-configs --bootstrap-server $_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER --alter --topic zipkin --add-config retention.ms=2000

But I'd want it set up on the Spring application.

CodePudding user response:

You'll need to use an AdminClient instance to modify existing topic configurations

CodePudding user response:

Spring-Kafka does not provide an AdminClient in the application context so it needs to be built rather than having it autowirable for you. The following code shows how to do it by creating the AdminClient using the bootstrap servers provided in the environment and setting multiple properties.

     * Retention time for zipkin messages.  Defaults to 2 minutes.
    private long zipkinRetentionMs;

     * Segment bytes size for zipkin.  Defaults to 10MB.
    private long zipkinSegmentBytes;

    private String bootstrapServers;

    public void fixZipkin() {

        try (final var adminClient = AdminClient.create(Map.of(AdminClientConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, bootstrapServers))) {
                    new ConfigResource(ConfigResource.Type.TOPIC, "zipkin"),
                        new AlterConfigOp(
                            new ConfigEntry(TopicConfig.RETENTION_MS_CONFIG, String.valueOf(zipkinRetentionMs)),
                        new AlterConfigOp(
                            new ConfigEntry(TopicConfig.SEGMENT_BYTES_CONFIG, String.valueOf(zipkinSegmentBytes)),
        } finally {


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