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Transform dot notation to a tree data form


I have object oriented data in the form:

var alist = [

which I would like to transform into a tree structure, to be able to serve them with a tree component (https://github.com/vinz3872/vuejs-tree in particular). The require form is the following:

var ok = [
        text: "foo",
        state: { expanded: false },
        nodes: [
                id: 1,
                path: "foo.lol1",
                text: "lol1",
                checkable: true,
                state: { checked: false },
                id: 2,
                path: "foo.lol2",
                text: "lol2",
                checkable: true,
                state: { checked: false },
        text: "bar",
        state: { expanded: false },
        nodes: [
                id: 3,
                path: "bar.lol1",
                text: "lol1",
                checkable: true,
                state: { checked: false },
        text: "bar",
        state: { expanded: false },
        nodes: [
                id: 3,
                path: "bar.lol1",
                text: "lol1",
                checkable: true,
                state: { checked: false },
                text: "barbar",
                state: { expanded: false },
                nodes: [
                        id: 4,
                        path: "bar.barbar.kk",
                        text: "kk",
                        checkable: true,
                        state: { checked: false },

I am aware that I should use recursion and I have tried all relevan posts in stackoverflow, i.e. How to build a JSON tree structure using object dot notation. My main problem is that I have to somehow preserve the information of the full path to the leaves of the tree. As a newbie in js I lost myself in counters and callback for days without any luck. I would appreciate your help. Thank you in advance

CodePudding user response:

Basically you could use forEach then split each string into array and then use reduce on that. Then you build nested object where the keys are current paths and also ad to result array.

var alist = [

const result = []
const levels = {

let prev = ''
let id = 1

alist.forEach(str => {
  str.split('.').reduce((r, text, i, arr) => {
    const path = prev  = (prev.length ? '.' : '')   text

    if (!r[path]) {
      r[path] = {result: []}
      const obj = {
        id: id  ,
      if (i === 0) {
        obj.state = {expanded: false}
      } else {
        obj.state = {checked: false}
        obj.checkable = true
        obj.path = path
      obj.nodes = r[path].result

    if (i === arr.length - 1) {
      prev = ''

    return r[path]
  }, levels)


CodePudding user response:

I found that it was easiest to do this transformation in two steps. The first converts your input into this format:

  foo: {
    lol1: {}, 
    lol2: {}
  bar: {
    barbar: {
      kk: {}
    lol1: {}

The second uses just this format to create your desired structure. This has two advantages. First, I have tools lying around that make it easy to create this structure from your input. Second, this structure embeds enough information to create your output, with only one branching construct: whether the value at a path is an empty object or has properties. This makes the generation code relatively simple:

const setPath = ([p, ...ps]) => (v) => (o) =>
  p == undefined ? v : Object .assign (
    Array .isArray (o) || Number .isInteger (p) ? [] : {},
    {...o, [p]: setPath (ps) (v) ((o || {}) [p])}

const reformat = (o, path = [], nextId = ((id) => () => String (   id)) (0)) =>
  Object .entries (o) .map (([k, v]) => Object .entries (v) .length > 0
    ? {text: k, state: {exapanded: false}, nodes: reformat (v, [...path, k], nextId)}
    : {id: nextId (), path: [...path, k] .join('.'), text: k, checkable: false, state: {checked: false}}

const transform = (pathTokens) =>
  reformat (pathTokens
    .map (s => s .split ('.'))
    .reduce ((a, path) => setPath (path) ({}) (a), {})

const alist = ['foo', 'foo.lol1', 'foo.lol2', 'bar.lol1', 'bar.barbar.kk']

console .log (transform (alist))
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}

We start with setPath, which takes a path, in a format such as ['bar', 'barbar', 'kk'], the value to set at that path, and an object to shallow clone with this new property along that path. Thus setPath (['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) (42) ({foo: {qux: 7}, corge: 6}) yields {foo: {qux: 7, bar: {baz: 42}}, corge: 6}. (There's a little more in this reusable function to also handle array indices instead of string object paths, but we can't reach that from this input format.)

Then we have reformat, which does the format conversion. It simply builds a different input object based upon whether the input value is an empty object.

Finally, transform maps a splitting function over your input array to get the path structure needed for setPath, folds the results into an initially empty object by setting every path value to an empty object, yielding our intermediate format, which we then pas to reformat.

There is one thing I really don't like here, and that is the nextId function, which is a stateful function. We could just have easily used a generator function, but whatever we do here, we're using state to build this output and that bothers me. If someone has a cleaner suggestion for this, I'd love to hear it.

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