Home > Software design >  Is there a way to convert a string into a function parameter and send it like this?
Is there a way to convert a string into a function parameter and send it like this?


Consider the following function:

def config(text=None, background=None, foreground=None):
    # Configures text, background and foreground.

# Reconfiguration example
config(text='Hello', foreground='#000000') # Would reconfigure text and fg, but not bg.

Now, supposing I had a list of what to reconfigure and how to reconfigure, such as [['text', 'World'], ['background', '#ffffff']], is there a way for me to pass that 'text' and 'background' as the function parameters like the following?

parameters_and_values = [['text', 'World'], ['background', '#ffffff']]
for group in parameters_and_values:
    config(group[0]=group[1]) # Example: config('text'='World') 

The code above would obviously fail because 'text' would be considered as a string, and not as the "text" parameter inside of the parameters of the "config" function. But is there a way to convert that 'text' string into the actual "text" parameter inside of the function definition?

Maybe something like:

parameters_and_values = [['text', 'World'], ['background', '#ffffff']]
for group in parameters_and_values:
    config(vars()[group[0]]=group[1]) # Example: config(vars()['text']='World') 

Note: The vars() code also doesn't work, because it assumes "text" is a variable outside of the function, not its parameter.

I'm developing an application using Tkinter and the widget reconfigurations must come from an outside list, they cannot be inserted directly. The real code is as follows (and it fails):

def reconfigurations([argument_list]):
    Reconfigures tkinter widgets using a dictionary of conditions 
    and what to reconfigure if such conditions are met.
    canvas_obj = argument_list[0] # None if there's no canvas related to this widget, or if the widget_obj is a canvas.
    widget_obj = argument_list[1] # Is the widget to be reconfigured.
    relation_dictionary = argument_list[2] # Example: {(True): [[relief, FLAT], ['bg', '#05ad32']]}, (False): [[relief, SUNKEN], ['bg', '#ffffff']]}
    results_of_examination = tuple(argument_list[3]) # Example: [True] < Always a list that needs to become a tuple. Will be compared with relation_dictionary to see which reconfigurations shall be done.
    for key in relation_dictionary:
        everything_checks = True # Assume that results_of_examination==key 
        for counter in range(0,len(key)):
            if key[counter] != results_of_examination[counter]:
                everything_checks = False
        if everything_checks: 
            for command_list in relation_dictionary[key]: # Example: [relief, FLAT]
                # Command_list[0] may be bg, state, fg, highlightbackground, relief, text, width, height, font or place. 
                if canvas_obj != None: # If widget_obj is a canvas-related object.
                    if command_list[0] == 'place':
                        canvas_obj.moveto(widget_obj, command_list[1][0]*rfx, y=command_list[1][1]*rfy) # rfx and rfy are variables that resize placings for different monitor sizes. They are global definitions. 
                        **canvas_obj.itemconfig(widget_obj, vars()['{command_list[0]}'] == command_list[1])**
                else: # Any other widget_obj
                    if command_list[0] == 'place': # Place example: [{(True): [place, [200, 400]]}, {(False): [place, [400, 800]]}]
                        widget_obj.place(x=command_list[1][0]*rfx, y= command_list[1][1]*rfy)
                        **widget_obj.config(vars()[f'{command_list[0]}'] == command_list[1])**

CodePudding user response:

Convert your list of lists into a dict, and then use the ** operator to pass the dict as kwargs.

Given the list of lists:

parameters_and_values = [['text', 'World'], ['background', '#ffffff']]

you can call your config function as:


which is exactly equivalent to:

config(text='World', background='#ffffff')
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