Home > Software design >  React component is not rendering after state change with button click while using useContext hook
React component is not rendering after state change with button click while using useContext hook


I am using useContext hook for the first time as I wanted the re-rendering of one component by click of a button component. Here's my code:

QuestionContext.js (for creating context):

import { createContext } from "react";

const QuestionContext = createContext()

export default QuestionContext

SectionState.js (for providing value to children):

import {React, useState} from 'react'
import QuestionContext from './QuestionContext'
import questions from '../data/questions.json'

const SectionState = (props) => {
  // set questions from json to an array of 4 elements
  const newQuestions = Object.keys(questions.content).map(key => questions.content[key].question)
  const newState = {
    "qID": 0,
    "questionTxt": newQuestions[0],
  //useState for Question state
  const [currentQuestion, setCurrentQuestion] = useState(0)
  const [questionCtx, setQuestionCtx] = useState(newState)
  const updateQuestion = () => {
    if(currentQuestion > newQuestions.length) {
      console.log("no more questions")
      setCurrentQuestion(currentQuestion   1)
      setQuestionCtx(() => ({
        "qID": currentQuestion,
        "questionTxt": newQuestions[currentQuestion]
  return (
    <QuestionContext.Provider value = {{newState, updateQuestion}}>

export default SectionState

The following two components are child of <SectionState /> component


import React, { useContext } from 'react'
import QuestionContext from '../context/QuestionContext'

const Buttons = () => {
    const example = useContext(QuestionContext)
    const clickHandler = () => {
    return (
    <div className='flex flex-row justify-between'>
        {/* <button className='btn backdrop-blur-md bg-slate-600 rounded-full xl:w-48 md:w-44 text-slate-50' onClick={ clickHandler }>Prev</button> */}
        <button className='btn btn-accent rounded-full xl:w-48 md:w-44' onClick={ clickHandler }>Next</button>

export default Buttons


import { React, useContext } from 'react'
import './styles/Questions.css'
import QuestionContext from '../context/QuestionContext'

const Questions = () => {

  const newContext = useContext(QuestionContext)
  return (
      <h1 className='text-4xl text-zinc-50'>{ newContext.newState.questionTxt }</h1>

export default Questions

Every time I have clicked on the button, I could check in the console that newState state has changed, but this new state won't render in <Questions /> component. I could still see newContext.newState.questionTxt holding the initial value i.e. newQuestions[0]. What am I doing wrong here?

Here's a reproduced link in code sandbox

CodePudding user response:

<QuestionContext.Provider value = {{newState, updateQuestion}}

Here you passed newState and updateQuestion as a value of context. In Button component you update currentQuestion and questionCtx using updateQuestion() but in Questions component, you are using the value of newState as

const newContext = useContext(QuestionContext)
<h1 className='text-4xl text-zinc-50'>{ newContext.newState.questionTxt }</h1>

Here newState is not a state. It is just a variable and it is not updated at all so you don't get an updated value in Question component.

Solution: So I think you should pass the questionCtx as a value of context Provider like

<QuestionContext.Provider value = {{questionCtx , updateQuestion}}

Use it like

<h1 className='text-4xl text-zinc-50'>{ newContext.questionCtx.questionTxt }</h1>

Working Codesandbox link: https://codesandbox.io/s/react-usecontext-forked-frgtw1?file=/src/context/SectionState.js

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