I am attempting to set up a vue 3 watcher that watches for changes to input fields in a v-for list. I set up an array of objects, each with a type. I want to add input to the field with the type "owl", then watch for a change only on that field. However, when I bind the input field in the loop to inputValue then add text to the field with label "Owl", my inputted text shows up on all of the inputs. How can I go about setting up the input field to only display text on input "Owl" in the loop?
Here is my code so far:
<div >
<dl >
<div v-for="input in inputs" :key="input.label" >
<dt >
<div >
<span>{{ input.label }}</span>
<dd >
<script setup>
import { ref, onMounted, computed, watch, toRaw } from "vue";
const inputValue = ref()
const inputs = ref([
{ label: "Dog", type: "dog" },
{ label: "Cat", type: "cat" },
{ label: "Owl", type: "owl" },
{ label: "Rabbit", type: "rabbit" },
{ label: "Horse", type: "horse" },
watch(inputValue, () => {
CodePudding user response:
Not sure I'm following but if you only want to bind the model to the owl type you could use conditional rendering:
<input v-if="input.type === 'owl'" v-model="inputValue" />
<input v-else :value="input.type" />