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Conditionally show view using Vue Router


So I'm trying to achieve a layout with optional sidebars based on the vue routes

Currently I have the following:

  1. an App.vue which has a MainLayout component with slots where I'm placing the router views
    <template #main>
    <template #sidebar>
        <router-view name="LeftSidebar"/>
    <template #rightsidebar>
        <router-view name="RightSidebar"/>
  1. the router looking something like this:
const routes = [
    path: "/lectures",
    components: {
      default: LectureList,
      LeftSidebar: MainMenu,
    path: "/users",
    components: {
      default: UserList,
      LeftSidebar: MainMenu,
      RightSidebar: SomeOtherComponent
  1. the MainLayout.vue looking something like this (simplified)
    <div >
        <slot name="sidebar"/>
    <div >
    <div >
        <slot name="rightsidebar"/>

Currently the main menu layout has a slot for the rightsidebar and I'd like it to render only if it has some content, ie if some route provides a component for the RightSidebar router view. I tried looking at the slots in MainLayout and add a v-if on the .right-sidebar div to only show if the slot for rightsidebar slot is present, but I guess it doesn't work since the router-view is present in there already

Any recommended way of dealing with this type of case?

CodePudding user response:

Using the matched property of the Vue router named views, we can check which props have been passed or not.

Here in the code, I added a watcher which will check for every route if props for sidebar views are passed or not and will update the data properties to used as the conditions.

   <template #main>
   <template #sidebar v-if="isLeftSideBar">
      <router-view name="LeftSidebar"/>
   <template #rightsidebar v-if="isRightSideBar">
      <router-view name="RightSidebar"/>

<script >
export default {
    name: "App",
    data() {
        return {
            isLeftSideBar: false,
            isRightSideBar: false
    watch: {
        $route(to, from) {
            if (to.matched.length) {
                this.isLeftSideBar = to.matched[0].props.hasOwnProperty("LeftSidebar");
                this.isRightSideBar = to.matched[0].props.hasOwnProperty("RightSidebar");;

Please let me know if this works.

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