CodePudding user response:
If really no other wayCodePudding user response:
The only way to
Rem shut down Windows explorer
Taskkill/f/im explorer. Exe
Rem cleaning system icon cache database
Attrib - h - s - r "\ % userprofile % AppData \ Local \ IconCache db"
Del/f "% userprofile % \ AppData \ Local \ IconCache db"
Attrib/s/d - h - s - r "\ % userprofile % AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ \ Windows Explorer \ *", "
Del/f "% userprofile % \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ \ Windows Explorer \ thumbcache_32 db"
Del/f "% userprofile % \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ \ Windows Explorer \ thumbcache_96 db"
Del/f "% userprofile % \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ \ Windows Explorer \ thumbcache_102 db"
Del/f "% userprofile % \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ \ Windows Explorer \ thumbcache_256 db"
Del/f "% userprofile % \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ \ Windows Explorer \ thumbcache_1024 db"
Del/f "% userprofile % \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ \ Windows Explorer \ thumbcache_idx db"
Del/f "% userprofile % \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ \ Windows Explorer \ thumbcache_sr db"
Rem cleaning system tray icon of memory
Echo y | reg delete "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Local Settings \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ TrayNotify"/v IconStreams
Echo y | reg delete "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Local Settings \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ TrayNotify"/v PastIconsStream
Rem restart Windows shell explorer
Start explorer
CodePudding user response: