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PySpark: How to update row if new value exists?


I have a DataFrame in pyspark following below:

id Datetime price amountOld amountNew
1 20210203 200 20 30
1 20210204 230 None None
1 20210205 225 None None
1 20210206 233 30 50
1 20210207 220 None None
2 20210407 400 None None
2 20210408 410 90 100
2 20210409 415 None None
2 20210410 423 None None

I want to add a column to that like below:

id Datetime price amountOld amountNew currentAmount
1 20210203 200 20 30 30
1 20210204 230 None None 30
1 20210205 225 None None 30
1 20210206 233 30 50 50
1 20210207 220 None None 50
2 20210407 400 None None 90
2 20210408 410 90 100 100
2 20210409 415 None None 100
2 20210410 423 None None 100

I have tried many times like the code below but no luck:

w = Window.partitionBy("id").orderBy(df_final.Datetime.desc())

df_final = df_final. \
               lag(col("amountNew")).over(w)) \

How can I do that? Thanks.

CodePudding user response:

we can use first,last from functions over window

w1 = Window.partitionBy('id').orderBy('Datetime').rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding,Window.currentRow)
w2 = Window.partitionBy('id').orderBy('Datetime').rowsBetween(Window.currentRow,Window.unboundedFollowing)

df_final = df_final.withColumn('currentAmount',f.coalesce(f.last('amountNew',ignorenulls=True).over(w1),f.first('amountOld',ignorenulls=True).over(w2)))

 --- -------- ----- --------- --------- ------------- 
| id|Datetime|price|amountOld|amountNew|currentAmount|
 --- -------- ----- --------- --------- ------------- 
|  1|20210203|  200|       20|       30|           30|
|  1|20210204|  230|     null|     null|           30|
|  1|20210205|  225|     null|     null|           30|
|  1|20210206|  233|       30|       50|           50|
|  1|20210207|  220|     null|     null|           50|
|  2|20210407|  400|     null|     null|           90|
|  2|20210408|  410|       90|      100|          100|
|  2|20210409|  415|     null|     null|          100|
|  2|20210410|  423|     null|     null|          100|
 --- -------- ----- --------- --------- ------------- 
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