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Convert CURSOR into SELECT - Send parent table value to joined table returning function as a paramet


Currently this cursor takes lots of times to execute. And I believe that the best solution is converting the cursor into SELECT statement. I have implemented a bit of select statement but unable to send parent table's value to second table returning function as a parameter. Do you have any idea how I can get the exact same result with SELECT statement?

Here's the original CURSOR implementation

declare @orgusers table (UserID int, PRIMARY KEY (UserID))
                delete from @orgusers
                declare curOrgs CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR
                    select distinct ('~'   qlu.MemberValue   '~') as curOrgs                    
                    FROM [gl].VTN_QualificationMemberLU qlu 
                    where qlu.MemberType = 45 and qlu.QualificationID = 1111
                open curOrgs
                FETCH NEXT FROM curOrgs INTO @org
                while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
                    insert into @orgusers(UserID) 
                    SELECT distinct u.UserID
                    FROM [gl].[GetStudentsByOUPath_BeforeCutoff](@nCompanyid, @org, @dCutOffDate) as u
                    left join @orgusers ou on ou.UserID = u.UserID
                    where ou.UserID is null
                    fetch next from curOrgs INTO @org
                close curOrgs
                deallocate curOrgs  

I'm looking for a way that how can I convert this CURSOR into SELECT statement to get the same IDs in @orgusers TABLE.

Scenario to repro.

qlu.MemberValue returns data from the table called VTN_QualificationMemberLU something like - 2343-2987-2783-2873

So based on MemberValue function called GetStudentsByOUPath_BeforeCutoff returns a table based on some logic containing something like 2343 2783 2873

and we put this Ids into @orgUsers table and return as a result of the function.

So based on requirement - VTN_QualificationMemberLU table has 10 data. And we need to return 30 ID back by filtering using the function called GetStudentsByOUPath_BeforeCutoff. For each row of the VTN_Qual.... we need to return 3 Ids as a table result.

Here's the test scripts to repro.

CREATE TABLE VTN_QualificationMemberLU (
    MemberValue  nvarchar(max) NOT NULL

INSERT INTO VTN_QualificationMemberLU (MemberValue) VALUES 

CREATE FUNCTION GetStudentsByOUPath_BeforeCutoff  (
    @userIds NVARCHAR(MAX)
    SELECT value  
    FROM STRING_SPLIT(@userIds, '-')  
    WHERE RTRIM(value) <> '';

So for each row of the VTN_Quali... table we need to call function and need to collect that table result of the function.

Thanks all in advance.

CodePudding user response:

Here's the test scripts to repro.

I ignore the description before this since we do not ahve the DDL DML to reprodcue the full scenario so let's focus on your sample table and data

CREATE TABLE VTN_QualificationMemberLU (
    MemberValue  nvarchar(max) NOT NULL

INSERT INTO VTN_QualificationMemberLU (MemberValue) VALUES 

CREATE FUNCTION GetStudentsByOUPath_BeforeCutoff  (
    @userIds NVARCHAR(MAX)
    SELECT value  
    FROM STRING_SPLIT(@userIds, '-')  
    WHERE RTRIM(value) <> '';

In order to execute the table's function on all the rows in existing table we can use CROSS APPLY

For example:

SELECT t1.MemberValue,t2.[value]
from VTN_QualificationMemberLU t1
CROSS APPLY GetStudentsByOUPath_BeforeCutoff (MemberValue) as t2

Obviously, if you need only the clean values from the function then you can return only the column t2.[value]

CodePudding user response:

Well, it's really not possible to for me to test this because there's so many discrepancies (missing variables, columns, etc.) between your question code and your example code & data, but here is what it probably should look like. I have just commented out the cursor code in-place so that you can better see how to do the transformation of the code from cursor to set-based:

declare @orgusers table (UserID int, PRIMARY KEY (UserID))
delete from @orgusers

;WITH cte AS
(   select distinct ('~'   qlu.MemberValue   '~') as curOrgs                    
    FROM [gl].VTN_QualificationMemberLU qlu 
    where qlu.MemberType = 45 and qlu.QualificationID = 1111
--open curOrgs
--while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
    insert into @orgusers(UserID) 
    SELECT distinct u.UserID
    FROM cte AS c
    CROSS APPLY [gl].[GetStudentsByOUPath_BeforeCutoff](@nCompanyid, c.curOrgs, @dCutOffDate) as u
    left join @orgusers ou on ou.UserID = u.UserID
    --where ou.UserID is null
    --fetch next from curOrgs INTO @org
--close curOrgs
--deallocate curOrgs  

I think that you can probably get rid of the distinct in the CTE (you shouldn't need two DISTINCT's and the later one will do the work of both).

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