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Error in deploying Angular WebApp from local


Displayed with below while deploying my angular webapp:

You do not have permission to view this directory or page.

Before the deployment my app worked perfectly fine in local. but after deploying it is throwing me errors.

Currently I am going through below Q&A from Microsoft.


But this not so helpful in my case.

If any one of you faced similar issue, can anyone assist?

CodePudding user response:

You do not have permission to view this directory or page.

  • Some source code files may be missing.Re-deploying the application

  • Check all your web app files though KUDU Console. Follow this link, <your_web_app_name>.azurewebsites.net > Debug Console (from top menu) > CMD/PowerShell > Site > wwwroot. That should contains all your files.

  • Azure encounter an error while running your web app. Since its in production, it does not show any useful error messages. For testing/debugging purposes you can turn on the Azure detailed messaging, and turn back off when its ready for production.

  • Follow the below steps:

  • Login to Azure > App Services (left side menu) > Your Web App > App Service logs (search box is at the top if you can't find it), then turn on Detailed Error Messages or turn on all of the logging options, up to you.

  • Now add the following in your Web.Config file,

  • In your Web Config file add <customErrors mode="Off" /> BEFORE system.web closing tag, </system.web>. Similarly, add <httpErrors errorMode="Detailed"></httpErrors> BEFORE </system.webServer>.Upload the Web.Config to Azure.

By following the above steps it will show the error messages in detail.

Please refer SO thread, Azure error and this for more details

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