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How do I fix this error, "Too many positional arguments: 0 expected, but 1 found."?


I have this function with firebase but I keep getting the error message stating "Too many positional arguments: 0 expected, but 1 found." with the items in the quotes in the lines with "snapshot.docs[0].data('Quote') as String?"

How can I fix this, any help is appreciated!

Future getNewsPostDetails(String newsPostId) async {
    QuerySnapshot snapshot = await FirebaseFirestore.instance
        .where('newsPostId', isEqualTo: newsPostId)
    newsPostDetails newPostDetails = newsPostDetails(
      newsPostTitle: snapshot.docs[0].data('newsPostTitle') as String?,
      newsPostAuthor: snapshot.docs[0].data('newsPostAuthor') as String?,
      newsPostContent: snapshot.docs[0].data('newsPostContent') as String?,
      date: snapshot.docs[0].data('date') as String?,
    return newPostDetails;

Here is the newsPostDetails.dart

class newsPostDetails {
  final String? newsPostTitle;
  final String? newsPostAuthor;
  final String? newsPostContent;
  final String? date;


CodePudding user response:

The 'data()' function does not expect any arguments. The 'data()' function returns the map back. You can access the information you want from the map.

Future getNewsPostDetails(String newsPostId) async {
    QuerySnapshot snapshot = await FirebaseFirestore.instance
        .where('newsPostId', isEqualTo: newsPostId)
    final newPostData = snapshot.docs[0].data()! as Map<String, dynamic>;
    newsPostDetails newPostDetails = newsPostDetails(
      newsPostTitle: newPostData['newsPostTitle'] as String?,
      newsPostAuthor: newPostData['newsPostAuthor'] as String?,
      newsPostContent: newPostData['newsPostContent'] as String?,
      date: newPostData['date'] as String?,
    return newPostDetails;
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