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VS2008 unmanaged C invoke the web service


Younger brother novice MFC one, recently the company has a project to upgrade function, you need to call the WebService service interface, project development environment is VS2008, based on the MFC dialog, call the WebService method based on online VS2008, download the open source code ATL_Server_Source_and_Headers_9_0_70425_Alpha. Zip, use the generated sproxy. Exe tool to put the WebService WSDL file generated WS_Service1. H header file, after introducing engineering, compiler generates the following error, for several days, always can't find the reason, for a great god, and he see what reason thank humbly,,, (next Tuesday function to acceptance of the problem, people are going crazy, no way out, only to treasure for help)
PS: I myself to the new one based on VS2008 MFC dialog project, can be a normal compile, not only the company of the project, will be submitted to the following error, the inside of the two projects I also compared the attribute set, is the same, so can rule out is the cause of the development environment,

1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlcom h (5900) : error C2296: "& gt;>" : the illegal, contains the left-hand operand "unsigned long *" type
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlutil h (309) : error C2440: "return" : from "DWORD" into "unsigned long * '
1> Reinterpret_cast from the integer is converted to a pointer type requirement, C style conversion or function style
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlutil h (331) : error C2440: "return" : from "DWORD_PTR" into "unsigned long * '
1> Reinterpret_cast from the integer is converted to a pointer type requirement, C style conversion or function style
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlutil h (343) : error C2440: "=" : from "UINT_PTR" into "unsigned long * '
1> Reinterpret_cast from the integer is converted to a pointer type requirement, C style conversion or function style
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlutil h (391) : error C2664: "SymGetSymFromAddr" : parameters can not be 3 from "unsigned long * *" into "PDWORD
"1> Has nothing to do with the type of point to; Transformation requires the reinterpret_cast, C style transformation or function style transformation
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlutil h (421) : error C2440: "=" : from "unsigned long" into "unsigned long * '
1> Reinterpret_cast from the integer is converted to a pointer type requirement, C style conversion or function style
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlutil h (553) : error C2664: "StackWalk" : parameters can not be 7 from "LPVOID (__stdcall *) (HANDLE, unsigned long *)" into "PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE
"1> Within the scope of the matching target type not with this name function
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlcache h (3044) : error C2144: grammar errors: "unsigned long" should be in front of ") "
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlcache h (3044) : error C2059: grammar errors: ") "
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlisapi h (10469) : warning C4005: "MAX_NAME_LEN" : macro redefine
1> D: \ ats code the manage \ \ \ 1 ats2 energy storage machine source code \ \ rs485 communication copy ats410-00011-037 _mes \ ateprogram_chromadc_double \ GWCommonPublic h (146) : see previous definition of "MAX_NAME_LEN"
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlhttp inl (2406) : error C2446: "==" : from "unsigned int" to "unsigned long *" the transformation of the
1> Reinterpret_cast from the integer is converted to a pointer type requirement, C style conversion or function style
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlhttp inl (2406) : error C2040: "==" : "unsigned long *" and "unsigned int" level of indirect addressing different
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlhttp inl (2406) : error C2446: "==" : from "unsigned int" to "unsigned long *" the transformation of the
1> Reinterpret_cast from the integer is converted to a pointer type requirement, C style conversion or function style
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlhttp inl (2406) : error C2040: "==" : "unsigned long *" and "unsigned int" level of indirect addressing different
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlhttp inl (2474) : error C2446: "==" : from "unsigned int" to "unsigned long *" the transformation of the
1> Reinterpret_cast from the integer is converted to a pointer type requirement, C style conversion or function style
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlhttp inl (2474) : error C2040: "==" : "unsigned long *" and "unsigned int" level of indirect addressing different
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlhttp inl (2474) : error C2446: "==" : from "unsigned int" to "unsigned long *" the transformation of the
1> Reinterpret_cast from the integer is converted to a pointer type requirement, C style conversion or function style
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlhttp inl (2474) : error C2040: "==" : "unsigned long *" and "unsigned int" level of indirect addressing different
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlhttp inl (2475) : error C2446: "==" : from "unsigned int" to "unsigned long *" the transformation of the
1> Reinterpret_cast from the integer is converted to a pointer type requirement, C style conversion or function style
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlhttp inl (2475) : error C2040: "==" : "unsigned long *" and "unsigned int" level of indirect addressing different
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlhttp inl (2475) : error C2446: "==" : from "unsigned int" to "unsigned long *" the transformation of the
1> Reinterpret_cast from the integer is converted to a pointer type requirement, C style conversion or function style
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlhttp inl (2475) : error C2040: "==" : "unsigned long *" and "unsigned int" level of indirect addressing different
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlhttp inl (2624) : error C2446: "==" : from "unsigned int" to "unsigned long *" the transformation of the
1> Reinterpret_cast from the integer is converted to a pointer type requirement, C style conversion or function style
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlhttp inl (2624) : error C2040: "==" : "unsigned long *" and "unsigned int" level of indirect addressing different
1> D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ \ VC atlmfc \ include \ atlhttp inl (2624) : error C2446: "==" : from "unsigned int" to "unsigned long *" the transformation of the
1> nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
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