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Php grouping values if find duplicate other value key


I have this in while loop of my query fetch And i want to regroup values if find occurence in prefix key

while(($arr = $_opDB->fetch_assoc($result)) != FALSE){
        if(!array_search($arr['base_name'], array_column($translate_array, 'connector_prefix'))){
            $translate_array[] = array(
                'prefix' => $arr['base_name'],
                'translate_hostname' => $arr['translate_hostname']
        } else {
            $translate_array[$i-1]['translate_hostname'][] = $arr['translate_hostname'];

        $i  ;


    [3] => Array
            [prefix] => DD
            [translate_hostname] => dd

    [4] => Array
            [prefix] => DD
            [translate_hostname] => de


If prefix is same that previous loop so add in array to previous 'translate_hostname' like that

[3] => Array
            [prefix] => DD
            [translate_hostname] => 
              [0] => Array
                          [translate] => dd

              [1] => Array
                          [translate] => de


But it doesn't work, thanks for help

CodePudding user response:

if I understand right you need to keep the same records that have the same base_name at the same row with converting the key of translate_hostname to an array with both values

to do that we can

1-loop on all records

2-group records with base_name by using isset() to check wither its the first record that has this basename or add this record to the group

3-if it's not the first record check if the translate_hostname that exists is array or not if not convert it to an array and add to it the first value and the current looping row value


while(($arr = $_opDB->fetch_assoc($result)) != FALSE){
        $translate_array[$arr['base_name']] = array(
                'prefix' => $arr['base_name'],
                'translate_hostname' => $arr['translate_hostname']
    }else {
        $translate_hotnames = $translate_array[$arr['base_name']]["translate_hostname"];
            $translate_hotnames = [$translate_hotnames];
            $translate_hotnames[] = $arr['translate_hostname'];
        else {
            $translate_hotnames[] = $arr['translate_hostname'];
        $translate_array[$arr['base_name']]["translate_hostname"] = $translate_hotnames;


this will lead to the following result "associative" array grouping :

array(1) {
  array(2) {
    string(2) "DD"
    array(2) {
      string(2) "dd"
      string(2) "de"

to retrieve it as mentioned result "indexed" array you can use array_values()

by adding the following line after the loop

$translate_array = array_values($translate_array)

the result will be:-

array(1) {
  array(2) {
    string(2) "DD"
    array(2) {
      string(2) "dd"
      string(2) "de"

} }

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