i have declared an array globally so that i can modify that inside a function. but after i try and modify the array. the array is showing showing any data and the array is alwayes becomes 0.
this is where the function is been callled from:
var vehicleTypesArr = []; //globally accessable.
function loadVehicleTypes(data) {
if (data != null) {
var res = data.VehicleTypes;
if (res != '' && res != null) {
$.each(res, function () {
if (res.GroupName === 'ConEnhTyp_Vehicle')
//console() : if i put a console here, the result will the data with specific groupName and prints until the loop is ended with the data.
console.log(JSON.stringify(vehicleTypesArr)); // console 1 : result = 0
resetVehicleTypes(); //here i call 2nd code snippet
This is the 2nd code snippet:
function resetVehicleTypes() {
if (vehicleTypesArr.length > 0) {
$.each(vehicleTypesArr, function (val) {
val.prop('checked', false);
the code enters the function and alerts the 1, and then goes staright to the finished alert.
I tried,
on the console() : i put a console and the result was the data with specific groupName and prints until the loop is ended with the data.
but in the console 1 the array is empty. i tried changing length condition and its not working.
still has no supprt.
CodePudding user response:
Try with this.vehicleTypesArr
instead of just vehicleTypesArr
within your functions
CodePudding user response:
Code does work in all(that are shown) possible ways a object can be pushed into array.
It looks like the issue is with your if statement in each loop. I recommend always using {}
braces. Guessing the condition res.GroupName === 'ConEnhTyp_Vehicle'
is never true...
const result1 = document.getElementById('result1');
var vehicleTypesArr = []; //globally accessable.
const some_data = {
VehicleTypes: [{
GroupName: 'name 1'
GroupName: 'name 2'
function loadVehicleTypes(data) {
if (data != null) {
var res = data.VehicleTypes;
if (res != '' && res != null) {
// alternative to for loops
//vehicleTypesArr = res.filter(el => el.GroupName === 'ConEnhTyp_Vehicle');
$.each(res, function() {
// edit: should be this.GroupName instead of res.GroupName
//if (res.GroupName === 'ConEnhTyp_Vehicle') // not needed for test
vehicleTypesArr.push(this); // works
vehicleTypesArr.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this))); // works
vehicleTypesArr.push(Object.assign({}, this)); // works
vehicleTypesArr.push({ ...this
}); // works
for (const el of res) {
vehicleTypesArr.push(el); // works
vehicleTypesArr.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(el))); // works
vehicleTypesArr.push(Object.assign({}, el)); // works
vehicleTypesArr.push({ ...el
}); // works
result1.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(vehicleTypesArr);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="result1">test</div>
Looking back at it. The if statement is checking res.GroupName
when it should be checking this.GroupName