Home > Software engineering >  XSLT to convert XML to JSON Array
XSLT to convert XML to JSON Array


I am currently using SAP CPI to achieve this conversion. I have tried the regular XML to JSON converter available but was not able to achieve this requirement. I then set out to try and see if XSLT can help.

I am trying to convert the following XML payload:

    <EmailID>[email protected]</EmailID>
            <AddressLine>Kharghar,navi mumbai</AddressLine>
            <Degree>Under Graduate Degree</Degree>
            <CollegeName>Amrutvahini College of engineering, Sangamner (Pune University)</CollegeName>
            <UniversityName>Mumbai University</UniversityName>
            <AdditionalRemarks>10th/12th/Undergrad etc</AdditionalRemarks>
            <EmployerName>Stravis Solutions</EmployerName>
            <EmployerName>Stravis Solutions</EmployerName>
            <OrganizationName>Com 1</OrganizationName>
            <RefereeEmailAddress>[email protected]</RefereeEmailAddress>
            <OrganizationName>Com 1</OrganizationName>
            <RefereeEmailAddress>[email protected]</RefereeEmailAddress>
        <ApplicantName>Sunil Kumar  Yadav</ApplicantName>
                <AddressLine>Kharghar,navi mumbai</AddressLine>
                <HouseNo>Sai shradha CHS.Sector-11,</HouseNo>
        <ApplicantName>Sunil Kumar  Yadav</ApplicantName>
        <UniqueIDCode>Pan Number</UniqueIDCode>
        <EmailID>[email protected]</EmailID>
        <ApplicantName>Test Candidate</ApplicantName>
        <ApplicantName>Sunil Kumar  Yadav</ApplicantName>
        <NameInPassport>Sunil Kumar  Yadav</NameInPassport>

To the below JSON payload, which as you can see has multiple array elements for even single payloads:

    "ClientID": "1",
    "PackageID": "650",
    "SBUID": "2187",
    "CandidateID": "456",
    "AssociateId": "789",
    "FirstName": "Meghana",
    "MiddleName": "",
    "LastName": "Rao",
    "FatherName": "Satish",
    "ContactNo": "7530001169",
    "EmailID": "[email protected]",
    "AddressHistory": {
        "Address": [
                "SequenceNo": "0",
                "AddressLine": "Kharghar,navi mumbai",
                "City": "Maharashtra-Mumbai",
                "State": "Maharashtra",
                "PinCode": "410210",
                "Country": "India",
                "Landmark": "",
                "StayFrom": "01-08-2013",
                "StayTo": "06-08-2021",
                "IsCurrentAddress": false,
                "IsPermanentAddress": false,
                "HouseNo": "",
                "AddressType": "Current",
                "DocList": {
                    "listofdocs": [
                                    "DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
                            "DocumentPath": "base64"                        
    "EducationList": {
        "Education": [
                "SequenceNo": "0",
                "Qualification": "",
                "Degree": "Under Graduate Degree",
                "CollegeName": "Amrutvahini College of engineering, Sangamner (Pune University)",
                "Location": "",
                "RollNumber": "123123",
                "UniversityName": "Mumbai University",
                "UniversityAddress": "",
                "PeriodFrom": "",
                "PeriodTo": "",
                "YearOfPassing": "2014",
                "Zipcode": "",
                "Percentage": "",
                "AdditionalRemarks": "10th/12th/Undergrad etc",
                "International": false,
                "Country": "",
                "DocList": {
                    "listofdocs": [
                                    "DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
                            "DocumentPath": "base64"                        
    "EmploymentList": {
        "Employment": [
                "SequenceNo": "0",
                "EmployerName": "Stravis Solutions",
                "EmployerAddress": "Bangalore",
                "EmployerContactNo": "",
                "Designation": "SDE",
                "EmployeeID": "asdas",
                "FixedSalary": "0",
                "IsCurrentEmployment": false,
                "RelievingDate": "15-10-2021",
                "Zipcode": "",
                "International": false,
                "Country": "",
                "PFNumber": "",
                "UANNumber": "",
                "DocList": {
                    "listofdocs": [
                                    "DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
                            "DocumentPath": "base64"                        
                "DateOfJoining": "18-03-2015"
                "SequenceNo": "0",
                "EmployerName": "Stravis Solutions",
                "EmployerAddress": "Bangalore",
                "EmployerContactNo": "",
                "Designation": "SDE",
                "EmployeeID": "asdas",
                "FixedSalary": "0",
                "IsCurrentEmployment": false,
                "RelievingDate": "15-10-2021",
                "Zipcode": "",
                "International": false,
                "Country": "",
                "PFNumber": "",
                "UANNumber": "",
                "DocList": {
                    "listofdocs": [
                                    "DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
                            "DocumentPath": "base64"                        
                "DateOfJoining": "18-03-2015"
    "AddressReferencesList": {
        "ListofReferences": [
                "OrganizationName": "Com 1",
                "AdditionalRemarks": "",
                "NameOfReferee": "Ref1",
                "RefereeOccupation": "SDE",
                "RefereePhoneNumber": "123456",
                "RefereeEmailAddress": "[email protected]"
                "OrganizationName": "Com 1",
                "AdditionalRemarks": "",
                "NameOfReferee": "Ref2",
                "RefereeOccupation": "SDE",
                "RefereePhoneNumber": "123456",
                "RefereeEmailAddress": "[email protected]"
    "DOB": "03-08-2021",
    "DLDetails": {
        "DOB": "03-08-2021",
        "ApplicantName": "Test",
        "FatherName": "Test",
        "UniqueIDCode": "1231231",
        "DocList": {
            "listofdocs": [
                                    "DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
                            "DocumentPath": "base64"                        
    "PanDetails": {
        "DOB": "03-08-2021",
        "ApplicantName": "Sunil Kumar  Yadav",
        "FatherName": "Sunil",
        "UniqueIDCode": "23123131",
        "DocList": {
            "listofdocs": [
                                    "DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
                            "DocumentPath": "base64"                        
    "PVWDetails": {
        "AddressList": {
            "Address": [
                    "SequenceNo": "0",
                    "AddressLine": "Kharghar,navi mumbai",
                    "City": "Maharashtra-Mumbai",
                    "State": "Maharashtra",
                    "PinCode": "410210",
                    "Country": "India",
                    "Landmark": "",
                    "StayFrom": "01-08-2013",
                    "StayTo": "06-08-2021",
                    "IsCurrentAddress": false,
                    "IsPermanentAddress": false,
                    "HouseNo": "Sai shradha CHS.Sector-11,",
                    "AddressType": "Current",
                    "DocList": {
                        "listofdocs": [
                                    "DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
                            "DocumentPath": "base64"                        
        "DOB": "03-08-2021",
        "FatherName": "Sunil",
        "ApplicantName": "Sunil Kumar  Yadav"
    "CreditDetail": {
        "ApplicantName": "Test",
        "DOB": "03-08-2021",
        "FatherName": "Test",
        "Gender": "Male",
        "UniqueIDCode": "Pan Number",
        "EmailID": "[email protected]",
        "DocList": {
            "listofdocs": [
                                    "DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
                            "DocumentPath": "base64"                        

    "PassportCheckDetails": {
        "NameInPassport": "Sunil Kumar  Yadav",
        "PassportNo": "1231231",
        "MachineReadableZone": "",
        "CandidateFirstName": "Sunil",
        "CandidateLastName": "Yadav",
        "DOB": "03-08-2021",
        "FatherName": "Sunil",
        "DocList": {
            "listofdocs": [
                                    "DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
                            "DocumentPath": "base64"                        


As you can see, there is an array created for every part of the data. How can I achieve this with XSLT?

Whatever code i have tried with so far, the converted JSON has not had any arrays barring cases where there are multiple records under a root.

I have tried variations of the following code:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:ns0="http://use your namespace">
    <xsl:output method="text"/>
    <xsl:template match="/ns0:Account_Resp">{
        <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/> }
    <!-- Object or Element Property-->
    <xsl:template match="*">
        "<xsl:value-of select="name()"/>" : <xsl:call-template name="Properties"/>
    <!-- Array Element -->
    <xsl:template match="*" mode="ArrayElement">
        <xsl:call-template name="Properties"/>
    <!-- Object Properties -->
    <xsl:template name="Properties">
        <xsl:variable name="childName" select="name(*[1])"/>
            <xsl:when test="not(*|@*)">"<xsl:value-of select="."/>"</xsl:when>
            <xsl:when test="count(*[name()=$childName]) > 1">{ "<xsl:value-of select="$childName"/>" :[<xsl:apply-templates select="*" mode="ArrayElement"/>] }</xsl:when>
                <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
                <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
        <xsl:if test="following-sibling::*">,</xsl:if>
    <!-- Attribute Property -->
    <xsl:template `enter code here`match="@*">"<xsl:value-of select="name()"/>" : "<xsl:value-of select="."/>",

And received the following output - in which you can see that for single payloads, an array is not getting created:

    "ClientID" : "1",
    "PackageID" : "650",
    "SBUID" : "2187",
    "CandidateID" : "456",
    "AssociateId" : "789",
    "FirstName" : "Meghana",
    "MiddleName" : "",
    "LastName" : "Rao",
    "FatherName" : "Satish",
    "ContactNo" : "7530001169",
    "EmailID" : "[email protected]",

    "AddressHistory" : { "Address" :[{
    "SequenceNo" : "0",
    "AddressLine" : "Kharghar,navi mumbai",
    "City" : "Maharashtra-Mumbai",
    "State" : "Maharashtra",
    "PinCode" : "410210",
    "Country" : "India",
    "Landmark" : "",
    "StayFrom" : "01-08-2013",
    "StayTo" : "06-08-2021",
    "IsCurrentAddress" : "false",
    "IsPermanentAddress" : "false",
    "HouseNo" : "",
    "AddressType" : "Current",
    "DocList" : { "listofdocs" :[{
    "DocumentName" : "abc.jpg",
    "DocumentPath" : "base64"
}] }
    "SequenceNo" : "1",
    "AddressLine" : "Kharghar,navi mumbai",
    "City" : "Maharashtra-Mumbai",
    "State" : "Maharashtra",
    "PinCode" : "410210",
    "Country" : "India",
    "Landmark" : "",
    "StayFrom" : "01-08-2013",
    "StayTo" : "06-08-2021",
    "IsCurrentAddress" : "false",
    "IsPermanentAddress" : "false",
    "HouseNo" : "",
    "AddressType" : "Current",
    "DocList" : { "listofdocs" :[{
    "DocumentName" : "def.jpg",
    "DocumentPath" : "base64"
}] }
}] },

    "EducationList" : {
    "Education" : {
    "SequenceNo" : "0",
    "Qualification" : "",
    "Degree" : "Under Graduate Degree",
    "CollegeName" : "Amrutvahini College of engineering, Sangamner (Pune University)",
    "Location" : "",
    "RollNumber" : "123123",
    "UniversityName" : "Mumbai University",
    "UniversityAddress" : "",
    "PeriodFrom" : "",
    "PeriodTo" : "",
    "YearOfPassing" : "2014",
    "Percentage" : "",
    "AdditionalRemarks" : "10th/12th/Undergrad etc",
    "International" : "false",
    "Country" : "",
    "DocList" : { "listofdocs" :[{
    "DocumentName" : "def.jpg",
    "DocumentPath" : "base64"
}] }
    "EmploymentList" : { "Employment" :[{
    "SequenceNo" : "0",
    "EmployerName" : "Stravis Solutions",
    "EmployerAddress" : "Bangalore",
    "EmployerContactNo" : "",
    "Designation" : "SDE",
    "EmployeeID" : "asdas",
    "FixedSalary" : "0",
    "IsCurrentEmployment" : "false",
    "RelievingDate" : "15-10-2021",
    "Zipcode" : "",
    "International" : "false",
    "Country" : "",
    "PFNumber" : "",
    "UANNumber" : "",
    "DocList" : {
    "listofdocs" : {
    "DocumentName" : "abc.jpg",
    "DocumentPath" : "base64"
    "DateOfJoining" : "18-03-2015"
    "SequenceNo" : "1",
    "EmployerName" : "Stravis Solutions",
    "EmployerAddress" : "Bangalore",
    "EmployerContactNo" : "",
    "Designation" : "SDE",
    "EmployeeID" : "asdas",
    "FixedSalary" : "0",
    "IsCurrentEmployment" : "false",
    "RelievingDate" : "15-10-2021",
    "Zipcode" : "",
    "International" : "false",
    "Country" : "",
    "PFNumber" : "",
    "UANNumber" : "",
    "DocList" : {
    "listofdocs" : {
    "DocumentName" : "def.jpg",
    "DocumentPath" : "base64"
    "DateOfJoining" : "18-03-2015"
}] },

    "AddressReferencesList" : { "ListofReferences" :[{
    "OrganizationName" : "Com 1",
    "AdditionalRemarks" : "",
    "NameOfReferee" : "Ref1",
    "RefereeOccupation" : "SDE",
    "RefereePhoneNumber" : "123456",
    "RefereeEmailAddress" : "[email protected]"
    "OrganizationName" : "Com 1",
    "AdditionalRemarks" : "",
    "NameOfReferee" : "Ref2",
    "RefereeOccupation" : "SDE",
    "RefereePhoneNumber" : "123456",
    "RefereeEmailAddress" : "[email protected]"
}] },
    "DOB" : "03-08-2021",
    "DLDetails" : {
    "DOB" : "03-08-2021",
    "ApplicantName" : "Test",
    "FatherName" : "Test",
    "UniqueIDCode" : "1231231",
    "DocList" : {
    "listofdocs" : {
    "DocumentName" : "abc.jpg",
    "DocumentPath" : "base64"
    "PanDetails" : {
    "DOB" : "03-08-2021",
    "ApplicantName" : "Sunil Kumar  Yadav",
    "FatherName" : "Sunil",
    "UniqueIDCode" : "23123131",
    "DocList" : {
    "listofdocs" : {
    "DocumentName" : "abc.jpg",
    "DocumentPath" : "base64"
    "PVWDetails" : {
    "AddressList" : {
    "Address" : {
    "SequenceNo" : "0",
    "AddressLine" : "Kharghar,navi mumbai",
    "City" : "Maharashtra-Mumbai",
    "State" : "Maharashtra",
    "PinCode" : "410210",
    "Country" : "India",
    "Landmark" : "",
    "StayFrom" : "01-08-2013",
    "StayTo" : "06-08-2021",
    "IsCurrentAddress" : "false",
    "IsPermanentAddress" : "false",
    "HouseNo" : "Sai shradha CHS.Sector-11,",
    "AddressType" : "Current"
    "DOB" : "03-08-2021",
    "FatherName" : "Sunil",
    "ApplicantName" : "Sunil Kumar  Yadav"
    "CreditDetail" : {
    "ApplicantName" : "Test",
    "DOB" : "03-08-2021",
    "FatherName" : "Test",
    "Gender" : "Male",
    "UniqueIDCode" : "Pan Number",
    "EmailID" : "[email protected]",
    "DocList" : {
    "listofdocs" : {
    "DocumentName" : "abc.jpg",
    "DocumentPath" : "base64"
},        "DrugTestPanelCheck" : {
    "DrugTestPanel" : "DrugTestPanel5",
    "ApplicantName" : "Test Candidate"
    "GDCDetails" : {
    "ApplicantName" : "Sunil Kumar  Yadav",
    "DOB" : "03-08-2021",
    "FatherName" : "Sunil"
    "PassportCheckDetails" : {
    "NameInPassport" : "Sunil Kumar  Yadav",
    "PassportNo" : "1231231",
    "MachineReadableZone" : "",
    "CandidateFirstName" : "Sunil",
    "CandidateLastName" : "Yadav",
    "DOB" : "03-08-2021",
    "FatherName" : "Sunil",
    "DocList" : {
    "listofdocs" : {
    "DocumentName" : "abc.jpg",
    "DocumentPath" : "base64"

Really need some help on this. Thanks

CodePudding user response:

With the YAML processor mikefarah/yq, you can convert XML to JSON:

yq --input-format xml --output-format json . "$FILE"

If I understood you correctly, this is the expected conversion result: Wrap child elements in an array only if they occur at least twice, right?


  "root": {
    "ClientID": "1",
    "PackageID": "650",
    "SBUID": "2187",
    "CandidateID": "456",
    "AssociateId": "789",
    "FirstName": "Meghana",
    "MiddleName": null,
    "LastName": "Rao",
    "FatherName": "Satish",
    "ContactNo": "7530001169",
    "EmailID": "[email protected]",
    "AddressHistory": {
      "Address": {
        "SequenceNo": "0",
        "AddressLine": "Kharghar,navi mumbai",
        "City": "Maharashtra-Mumbai",
        "State": "Maharashtra",
        "PinCode": "410210",
        "Country": "India",
        "Landmark": null,
        "StayFrom": "01-08-2013",
        "StayTo": "06-08-2021",
        "IsCurrentAddress": "false",
        "IsPermanentAddress": "false",
        "HouseNo": null,
        "AddressType": "Current",
        "DocList": {
          "listofdocs": {
            "DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
            "DocumentPath": "base64"
    "EducationList": {
      "Education": {
        "SequenceNo": "0",
        "Qualification": null,
        "Degree": "Under Graduate Degree",
        "CollegeName": "Amrutvahini College of engineering, Sangamner (Pune University)",
        "Location": null,
        "RollNumber": "123123",
        "UniversityName": "Mumbai University",
        "UniversityAddress": null,
        "PeriodFrom": null,
        "PeriodTo": null,
        "YearOfPassing": "2014",
        "Zipcode": null,
        "Percentage": null,
        "AdditionalRemarks": "10th/12th/Undergrad etc",
        "International": "false",
        "Country": null,
        "DocList": {
          "listofdocs": {
            "DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
            "DocumentPath": "base64"
    "EmploymentList": {
      "Employment": [
          "SequenceNo": "0",
          "EmployerName": "Stravis Solutions",
          "EmployerAddress": "Bangalore",
          "EmployerContactNo": null,
          "Designation": "SDE",
          "EmployeeID": "asdas",
          "FixedSalary": "0",
          "IsCurrentEmployment": "false",
          "RelievingDate": "15-10-2021",
          "State": null,
          "City": null,
          "Zipcode": null,
          "International": "false",
          "Country": null,
          "PFNumber": null,
          "UANNumber": null,
          "DocList": {
            "listofdocs": {
              "DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
              "DocumentPath": "base64"
          "DateOfJoining": "18-03-2015"
          "SequenceNo": "0",
          "EmployerName": "Stravis Solutions",
          "EmployerAddress": "Bangalore",
          "EmployerContactNo": null,
          "Designation": "SDE",
          "EmployeeID": "asdas",
          "FixedSalary": "0",
          "IsCurrentEmployment": "false",
          "RelievingDate": "15-10-2021",
          "International": "false",
          "Country": null,
          "PFNumber": null,
          "UANNumber": null,
          "DocList": {
            "listofdocs": {
              "DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
              "DocumentPath": "base64"
          "DateOfJoining": "18-03-2015"
    "AddressReferencesList": {
      "ListofReferences": [
          "OrganizationName": "Com 1",
          "AdditionalRemarks": null,
          "NameOfReferee": "Ref1",
          "RefereeOccupation": "SDE",
          "RefereePhoneNumber": "123456",
          "RefereeEmailAddress": "[email protected]"
          "OrganizationName": "Com 1",
          "AdditionalRemarks": null,
          "NameOfReferee": "Ref1",
          "RefereeOccupation": "SDE",
          "RefereePhoneNumber": "123456",
          "RefereeEmailAddress": "[email protected]"
    "DOB": "03-08-2021",
    "DLDetails": {
      "DOB": "03-08-2021",
      "ApplicantName": "Test",
      "FatherName": "Test",
      "dl_remarks": null,
      "UniqueIDCode": "1231231",
      "DocList": {
        "listofdocs": {
          "DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
          "DocumentPath": "base64"
    "PanDetails": {
      "DOB": "03-08-2021",
      "ApplicantName": "Sunil Kumar  Yadav",
      "FatherName": "Sunil",
      "pan_remarks": null,
      "UniqueIDCode": "23123131",
      "DocList": {
        "listofdocs": {
          "DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
          "DocumentPath": "base64"
    "PVWDetails": {
      "AddressList": {
        "Address": {
          "SequenceNo": "0",
          "AddressLine": "Kharghar,navi mumbai",
          "City": "Maharashtra-Mumbai",
          "State": "Maharashtra",
          "PinCode": "410210",
          "Country": "India",
          "Landmark": null,
          "StayFrom": "01-08-2013",
          "StayTo": "06-08-2021",
          "IsCurrentAddress": "false",
          "IsPermanentAddress": "false",
          "HouseNo": "Sai shradha CHS.Sector-11,",
          "AddressType": "Current",
          "DocList": {
            "listofdocs": {
              "DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
              "DocumentPath": "base64"
      "DOB": "03-08-2021",
      "FatherName": "Sunil",
      "ApplicantName": "Sunil Kumar  Yadav"
    "CreditDetail": {
      "ApplicantName": "Test",
      "DOB": "03-08-2021",
      "FatherName": "Test",
      "Gender": "Male",
      "UniqueIDCode": "Pan Number",
      "EmailID": "[email protected]",
      "DocList": {
        "listofdocs": {
          "DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
          "DocumentPath": "base64"
    "DrugTestPanelCheck": {
      "DrugTestPanel": "DrugTestPanel5",
      "ApplicantName": "Test Candidate"
    "GDCDetails": {
      "ApplicantName": "Sunil Kumar  Yadav",
      "DOB": "03-08-2021",
      "FatherName": "Sunil"
    "PassportCheckDetails": {
      "NameInPassport": "Sunil Kumar  Yadav",
      "PassportNo": "1231231",
      "MachineReadableZone": null,
      "CandidateFirstName": "Sunil",
      "CandidateLastName": "Yadav",
      "DOB": "03-08-2021",
      "FatherName": "Sunil",
      "DocList": {
        "listofdocs": {
          "DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
          "DocumentPath": "base64"

CodePudding user response:

In order to determine which XML elements can occur with cardinality 0..*, you look only at the actual cardinality in the payload by testing whether count(*[name()=$childName]) > 1. By this, you miss the fact that the <EducationList> is allowed to contain more than one <Education> (even if it contains only one in this particular payload instance).

A clean solution would require you to look at the XML schema (in the WSDL document, probably). But in this case, the following heuristics might suffice: If an element name ends with List, it contains children with cardinality 0..*. Therefore, replace the test count(*[name()=$childName]) > 1 with

substring(name(), string-length(name()) - 3, 4) = 'List'
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