Home > Software engineering >  Best graph from dataframe with different conditions (groups and variables)
Best graph from dataframe with different conditions (groups and variables)


I have a dataframe (cells) that it looks like this (it has more rows):

ID Time(min) Cell1 Cell2 Cell3 Cell4 Cell5 Cell6 Cell7
AA001 0 10.57 77.28 14.11 15.12 1.56 95.83 3.41
AA001 30 12.99 77.96 15.01 15.35 1.60 96.02 3.37
AA001 90 11.41 79.85 16.69 19.65 1.28 92.14 6.01
AA001 180 15.89 75.11 12.48 11.95 1.34 95.90 3.69
AA001 360 10.16 83.67 19.51 14.68 1.09 70.80 26.21
AA003 0 12.34 81.16 17.77 17.49 1.83 84.94 13.31
AA006 0 21.71 71.24 7.67 11.43 1.56 90.03 7.62
AA006 7 15.23 78.81 15.60 12.19 2.23 93.38 3.4

I have grouped by the variables ID and Time, because I would like to see the "evolution" of each cell for each sample:

inmune %>%
 group_by(PID, Time)

So, I have performed a scatter plot, but it's a mess with so many lines connected to each point.

Also I tried transform in a long-data format:

df2<- melt(cells, id = "Time")

But it results in a table with 3 variables (Time, cells, values) so I miss the ID.

The idea is to represent the difference of the values for each time, grouped by the ID.

But any suggestion about other type of graphs more suitable for this kind of data is more than welcome. Thanks!!

CodePudding user response:

Here are two options separating the ID's in facets.

Dummy data:

df = tibble(ID = sample(letters, 300, TRUE),
            value = runif(300, 0, 40))

df = df %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  mutate(Time = seq(0, by = 10, length = n())) %>%

Obs: if your problem was the visualization of lots of ID's, it would've been better if you posted your whole data using dput()

One facet for each group:

df %>%
  ggplot(aes(Time, value))  
    facet_wrap(vars(ID)) #try using scales = "free_x"

enter image description here

Grouping several ID's in each facet:

You can choose different concepts to group some ID's together, I choose the number of times they had data for, as that seems to vary in your data.

k = 9 #number of groups, change it as you please
facets = df %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  summarise(n = n(), .groups = "drop") %>%
  mutate(facets = ntile(n, k))

df = df %>% mutate(facets = facets$facets[match(ID, facets$ID)])

df %>%
  ggplot(aes(Time, value, color = ID))  
    facet_wrap(vars(facets))   #try using scales = "free_x"
    theme(legend.position = "none")

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

I would guess you'd like to see something like this:

import seaborn as sns

df1 = df.melt(id_vars=["ID", "Time(min)"], value_vars=["Cell1", "Cell2", "Cell3", "Cell4", "Cell5", "Cell6", "Cell7"])
df1["t"] = df1["ID"] df1["variable"]

res = sns.relplot(x="t", y="Time(min)", hue="variable", size="value",
            sizes=(20, 800), alpha=.5, palette="muted",
            height=6, data = df1)

enter image description here

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