I want to allow only specific special characters like in a text like ?*=.@#$%!^":,:;<'> -_
I have tried the below :
pattern = new RegExp(/^(?=.*?[?*=.@#$%!^":,:;<'> -_])/);
It does not seems to work and seems to pass even if i am entering a special character other than the ones specified above. Am i missing something here?
Eg :
var sampleText: string = "TestSample&123"
The above example should throw me an error and fail since i have not used any of the special character which is specified in the pattern.
CodePudding user response:
Based on the charset you want and the approach from this answer here about exclusive sets in Regex, you should be able to do something like this:
const testPattern = /^[?*=.@#$%!^":,;<'> \-_] $/;
console.log(testPattern.test('?* @!')); // passes
console.log(testPattern.test('TestSample&123')); // fails
CodePudding user response:
A few things:
- Javascript has regex literals, so you can do
var regex = /^(?=.*?[?*=.@#$%!^":,:;<'> -_])/
instead ofnew Regex(...)
- https://regex101.com/ is a super helpful resource for figuring out regex. Paste
^(?=.*?[?*=.@#$%!^":,:;<'> -_])
into that site and it'll explain what each part does. - The
at the beginning of the regex anchors the matching to the beginning of the string, but you don't have a corresponding$
to make sure the match applies to the entire string. - The
is a positive lookahead that mathces any number of any character. The character group[...]
that you have is only going to match a single character, when it sounds like you want it to match all of the characters.
Rahul already answered while I was typing this up, and he's got the right expression:
^[?*=.@#$%!^":,:;<'> -_]*$
The ^
anchors the match to the beginning of the string, and the $
anchors the end of the match to the end of the string. The [...]*
will match any number of characters as long as they belong to that set of characters.
You can make a JS var out this like
var myRegex = /^[?*=.@#$%!^":,:;<'> -_]*$/
CodePudding user response:
You can try to use the below regex:
const str = /^[a-zA-Z0-9?*=.@#$%!^":,:;<'> -_] $/;