Home > Software engineering >  Need a boolean check every frame(update call).But the function called from that boolean check should
Need a boolean check every frame(update call).But the function called from that boolean check should


So i am working on a project using a webcam.If i go out-of-screen(view of the camera) a timer starts which track the time i am out of view and if it goes above a certain max value my game gets paused. Similarly for the In-screen view(inside camera view), timer starts and after max value it resumes the game.

    void Update()
        if (InFrontOfScreen()) //This is a condition 
            isInFront = true;
            isInFront = false;

    private void Pausing()
        if (isPaused)
            Time.timeScale = 0f;
            Time.timeScale = 1f;

    private void InView()
        if (isInFront)
            inViewTime  = Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
            if (inViewTime >= maxInViewTime)
                isPaused = false;
            outOfViewTime = 0f;
            outOfViewTime  = Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
            if (outOfViewTime >= maxOutOfViewTime)
                isPaused = true;
            inViewTime = 0f;

Now in another script I have to call functions that depend on whether the game is paused or not.

    void Update()

    private void SwitchCameras()
            gameCam.enabled = false;
            mainCam.cullingMask = pausedLayerMask;
            gameCam.enabled = true;
            mainCam.cullingMask = originalLayerMask;

The problem is that this gameCam.enabled and mainCam should be called only once when the bool isPaused changes.It is being called every frame. I get the answer right but I want it to be called only once and not every frame.Is there a way to acheive this? Though isPaused can change back and forth the functions should be called once and then again when isPaused changes . Thank you

CodePudding user response:

From what I can see you only need to cache the value and when a new update is called just check if the value changed

// Somewhere have a field that saves previous state
private bool _wasPaused;

void Update()

private void SwitchCameras()
    if (_wasPaused != PauseController.isPaused)
        if (PauseController.isPaused)
            gameCam.enabled = false;
            mainCam.cullingMask = pausedLayerMask;
            gameCam.enabled = true;
            mainCam.cullingMask = originalLayerMask;
    _wasPaused = PauseController.isPaused;

CodePudding user response:

We can use a private variable and a property. This way we can check to see when a property changes value, and just process an action when the value changes.

Very quickly, this should be a way to achieve what you’re trying to do:

private bool _isInFront;
public bool isInFront
    get => _isInFront;
        if ( _isInFront == value )
        _isInFront = value;


private void Update ()
    isInFront = InFrontOfScreen(); //This is a condition 
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