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SQL How to get data from many datababases?


I have that query

USE database_A /*it will change: database_B, c , d etc..*/

select X.Name1, X.Name2, DB_NAME() AS [Current Database] 
from dbo.table1 A /*it will be the same table*/ 
left join
database_X.dbo.table_X X /*it will be the same database and table*/  on A.ID = X.ID_ID

I would like to get a result that shows the values of Name1 and Name2 and the context in which it was made, e.g .:

Name1 Name2 Current Database
One Two database_A
aaa ddd database_A
One Two database_B
One Two database_B
222 1112 database_B
One Two database_c

CodePudding user response:

Dynamic sql example

-- list of DBs
create table dbs (dbn sysname);

insert dbs
values ('dbnameA'),('dbnameB'),('dbnameC');

-- build the query
declare @q varchar(Max);
select @q = string_agg(s, ' union all ')
from (
   select 'select X.Name1, X.Name2, '''   dbn   ''' AS [Current Database]'   
    ' from '   dbn   '.dbo.table1 A'   
    ' left join database_X.dbo.table_X X on A.ID = X.ID_ID' s
   from dbs) t

-- check it
select @q;
-- run it
exec (@q);
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  • sql
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