I don't understand how to use nested loops(for, foreach,while,dowhile) for printing this multi-dimensional array values in separate lines. I am new in this sector.
Here is the code:
$bazar = ['vegetables' => ['potato'=>16, 'cucumber'=>40, 'pumpkin'=>30, 'carrot'=>60],
'fruit' => ['apples'=> 150, 'pine-apple'=> '50', 'milk' => 100],
'fishes' => ['rui'=> 220, 'tuna' => 280, 'shrimp'=> 'it is delicious']
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
foreach ($bazar as $net => $values)
echo $net."<br>";
CodePudding user response:
you have associative array inside associative array You have to loop the first associative array and inside it loop the associative array like this
foreach($bazar as $key => $val){
echo $key.'<br>';
foreach($val as $k => $v){
echo $k . ' -> ' .$v . '<br>';