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V-If dependent on a V-For


I am confused on where I need template tags for this code. Originally I had no templates and my v-ifs didn't load. I added them in to see if it would fix it but had no luck. Weirdly my bottom v-if with the delete button seems to work. All the data seems to be correctly initialized. I saw people using the computed data section but since every post entry is rendered it seems like not the correct way to do this.

  <!-- and now the posts -->
  <div >
    <template v-for="post in posts">
      <div >
        <!-- Delete Icon -->
        <div >
          <div >
            <!-- Thumbs stuff -->
            <span  @click="rating_up(post._idx)" @mouseover="post_over(post._idx, true)" @mouseout="post_out(post._idx)">
              <template v-if="post.rating === 1">
                <!-- Filled in -->
                <i ></i>
              <template v-if="post.rating === 0">
                <!-- Not filled in -->
                <i ></i>
            <span  @click="rating_down(post._idx)" @mouseover="post_over(post._idx, false)" @mouseout="post_out(post._idx)">
              <template v-if="post.rating === -1">
                <!-- Filled in -->
                <i ></i>
              <template v-if="post.rating === 0">
                <!-- Not filled in -->
                <i ></i>
            <template v-if="post.show_likers">
              <span >Liked by</span>
            <template v-if="post.show_dislikers">
              <span >Disliked by</span>
          <div >
            <div v-if="post.owner" >
              <span  @click="delete_post(post._idx)">
                <i ></i>

Also my icons that are "fa fa-thumbs-down" work but my "fa fa-thumbs-o-down" do not work, any idea why?

CodePudding user response:

Chack you version of font awesome fa fa-thumbs-o-down is for 4:

const app = Vue.createApp({
  data() {
    return {
      posts: [{_idx: 1, content: 'bbb', name: 'BBB', rating: 0, show_likers: 8, show_dislikers: 2, owner: 'www'}]
  methods: {
    post_over(id) {},
    post_out(id) {}
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.global.prod.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.css" integrity="sha512-5A8nwdMOWrSz20fDsjczgUidUBR8liPYU WymTZP1lmY9G6Oc7HlZv156XqnsgNUzTyMefFTcsFH/tnJE/ xBg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bulma/0.9.4/css/bulma.min.css" integrity="sha512-HqxHUkJM0SYcbvxUw5P60SzdOTy/QVwA1JJrvaXJv4q7lmbDZCmZaqz01UPOaQveoxfYRv1tHozWGPMcuTBuvQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" />
<div id="demo">
  <div >
    <template v-for="(post, i) in posts" :key="i">
      <div >
        <!-- Delete Icon -->
        <div >
          <div >
            <!-- Thumbs stuff -->
            <span  @click="rating_up(post._idx)" @mouseover="post_over(post._idx, true)" @mouseout="post_out(post._idx)">
              <template v-if="post.rating === 1">
                <!-- Filled in -->
                <i ></i>
              <template v-if="post.rating === 0">
                <!-- Not filled in -->
                <i ></i>
            <span  @click="rating_down(post._idx)" @mouseover="post_over(post._idx, false)" @mouseout="post_out(post._idx)">
              <template v-if="post.rating === -1">
                <!-- Filled in -->
                <i ></i>
              <template v-if="post.rating === 0">
                <!-- Not filled in -->
                <i ></i>
            <template v-if="post.show_likers">
              <span >Liked by</span>
            <template v-if="post.show_dislikers">
              <span >Disliked by</span>
          <div >
            <div v-if="post.owner" >
              <span  @click="delete_post(post._idx)">
                <i ></i>

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