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Winston http log level behaves different than info


I am using winston to log incoming request on a node v16 express.js server using following code sample (boiled down to the essentials to reproduce the behaviour).

I am not sure what is causing this difference in behaviour and I could not find any documentation relevant to it.


"express": "^4.17.1",
"winston": "~3.3.3"

Server script:

import express from 'express';
import winston from 'winston';

const app = express();

export const TEST_LOGGER = winston.createLogger(
  level: 'silly',
  format: winston.format.json(),
  defaultMeta: { service: 'test' },
  transports: [
    new winston.transports.Console({
      format: winston.format.combine(
        winston.format.errors({ stack: true }),
TEST_LOGGER.info(`\u27F5 Starting http logging`);
TEST_LOGGER.http(`\u27F5 Starting http logging`);

app.use((req, _response, next) =>
  TEST_LOGGER.error(`\u27F5 ${ req.method } '${ req.originalUrl }'`);
  TEST_LOGGER.warn(`\u27F5 ${ req.method } '${ req.originalUrl }'`);
  TEST_LOGGER.info(`\u27F5 ${ req.method } '${ req.originalUrl }'`);
  TEST_LOGGER.verbose(`\u27F5 ${ req.method } '${ req.originalUrl }'`);
  TEST_LOGGER.http(`\u27F5 ${ req.method } '${ req.originalUrl }'`);
  TEST_LOGGER.debug(`\u27F5 ${ req.method } '${ req.originalUrl }'`);
  TEST_LOGGER.silly(`\u27F5 ${ req.method } '${ req.originalUrl }'`);

app.listen(8080, () =>
  TEST_LOGGER.info(`\u26A1 'server' launched`);

Logs when starting up the server and calling /:

info:    ⟵ Starting http logging
http:undefined⟵ Starting http logging
info:     ⚡ 'server' launched
error:   ⟵ GET '/'
warn:    ⟵ GET '/'
info:    ⟵ GET '/'
verbose: ⟵ GET '/'
http:undefined⟵ GET '/'
debug:   ⟵ GET '/'
silly:   ⟵ GET '/'
error:   ⟵ GET '/'
warn:    ⟵ GET '/'
info:    ⟵ GET '/'
verbose: ⟵ GET '/'
http:undefined⟵ GET '/'
debug:   ⟵ GET '/'
silly:   ⟵ GET '/'
error:   ⟵ GET '/'
warn:    ⟵ GET '/'
info:    ⟵ GET '/'
verbose: ⟵ GET '/'
http:undefined⟵ GET '/'
debug:   ⟵ GET '/'
silly:   ⟵ GET '/'

Where do those undefined come from?

Issue raised on GitHub: https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/issues/183

CodePudding user response:

Interestingly the http log level is missing from the standard log levels in the source:


// Pass through the target methods onto `winston.
    method => (exports[method] = (...args) => defaultLogger[method](...args))

And seems to be coming from the package logform:


So I would conclude that http isn't a valid winston log level, this should probably be raised as an issue on the winston github.

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