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is there anyway to know Typed JS effect is complete?


Hi I am creating a typewriting effect Using Type Js Library and I want to know is there any way I can know the Typed JS effect is completed?

Any kind of help is highly appreciated :)

var typed = new Typed('.typed', {
    stringsElement: '.typed-strings',
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   <div >
    <p>Typed.js is a <strong>JavaScript</strong> library.</p>
    <p>It <em>types</em> out sentences.</p>
  <span ></span>



CodePudding user response:

A quick glance at the library's documentation shows that there is an onComplete parameter that takes a function: docs link

In the onComplete you can set a variable to mark the animation as completed.

let isEffectComplete = false;
const typed = new Typed('.typed', {
  stringsElement: '.typed-strings',
  onComplete: () => { isEffectComplete = true },
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