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How to get ngmodel reference inside for loop


I have a three-dimensional array which I am looping over in my template using ng for. In the third level, I am using the ng model to get the change in the model. I have a submit button in the loop at the first level.

I am trying to access the value of the ng-model at the first level(in submit button) because I want to disable the button if all the values of the models are blank. If any of the models have value then the button will not be disabled anymore.

<ng-container *ngFor="let zone of driverHoursZones">
    <div >
        <div >
            <h5 >{{ zone.zoneName }}</h5>
            <div >
                <table >
                            <th>Driver Name</th>
                                    let date of dates
                                {{ date }}
                                let driver of zone.drivers
                                    {{ driver.driverName }}
                                        let hour of driver.hours
                                        <span >
            //trying to access the values of the models here
            // if all the values are blank button will be disabled
                (click)="saveDriverHours($event, zone)"

CodePudding user response:

Add a property inside your component to check if the button should be disabled something like

 get isButtonDisalbed(){
    return this.driverHoursZones?.every(z=> z.drivers?.every(d=> d?.hours.every(h=> !h?.hours)))

then on your button use this property to disable

<button  type="button"  (click)="saveDriverHours($event, zone)" [disabled]="isButtonDisalbed">

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CodePudding user response:

This is my version of the solution, subscribe to form value changes, then set the disabled attribute property, so that its a bit more performant!


import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { NgForm } from '@angular/forms';

@Component({ selector: 'app', templateUrl: 'app.component.html' })
export class AppComponent {
  @ViewChild('testForm') testForm: NgForm;
  disabled = true;
  driverHoursZones: any = [
      zoneName: 'test',
      drivers: [
          driverName: 'test',
          hours: [
            { hours: 1 },
            { hours: 2 },
            { hours: 3 },
            { hours: 4 },
            { hours: 5 },
  dates = new Array(5).map((x) => new Date());

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    this.testForm.form.valueChanges.subscribe(() => {
      this.disabled = false;
      for (let key in this.testForm.form.controls) {
        const value = this.testForm.form.controls[key];
        if (value && value.errors && value.errors.required) {
          this.disabled = true;


<ng-container *ngFor="let zone of driverHoursZones">
  <div >
    <div >
      <h5 >{{ zone.zoneName }}</h5>
      <div >
        <form #testForm="ngForm">
          <table >
                <th>Driver Name</th>
                <th *ngFor="let date of dates">
                  {{ date }}
              <ng-container *ngFor="let driver of zone.drivers">
                    {{ driver.driverName }}
                    *ngFor="let hour of driver.hours; let i = index"
                      <span >
                          [id]="zone.zoneName   driver.driverName   'hours'   i"
                            zone.zoneName   driver.driverName   'hours'   i
      //trying to access the values of the models here // if all the values are
      blank button will be disabled
        (click)="saveDriverHours($event, zone)"

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