I have a Web App deployed in Azure that connects to Cosmos DB using Private Endpoint throws the following error
'The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.'
The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure: RemoteCertificateNameMismatch
Cosmos DB
Private Endpoint
Private DNS Entry
Web App configuration
Stack Trace:
FBAuthDemoAPI.Controllers.FamilyController: at System.Net.Http.ConnectHelper.EstablishSslConnectionAsync(SslClientAuthenticationOptions sslOptions, HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken)at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.ConnectAsync(
CodePudding user response:
I think the issue is with the CosmosDB Endpoint URL pointing to https://family.privatelink.documents.azure.com/
, while it should be pointing to the 'normal' DNS name without the privatelink
If DNS is set up correctly for privatelink, then resolving the normal public endpoint would return a private IP address - see below example for a storage account endpoint:
Reference: https://github.com/dmauser/PrivateLink/tree/master/DNS-Integration-Scenarios
The certificate error is likely to be coming from the mismatch in the name between the endpoint that is configured on the WebApp (the privatelink DNS name) and the certificate that is reflecting the normal public endpoint name.
So, if family.documents.azure.com
is your CosmosDB account name, then that name should be used for connecting to the database.
In order to test if the name resolution works on your WebApp and test if the CosmosDB endpoint name resolves properly, you can use the built-in console.
To get to the Azure portal-hosted console from your app, go to Tools > Console. In native Windows apps, the tools ping, nslookup, and tracert won't work through the console because of security constraints (they work in custom Windows containers). To fill the void, two separate tools are added. To test DNS functionality, we added a tool named nameresolver.exe. The syntax is:
nameresolver.exe hostname
Reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/overview-vnet-integration#troubleshooting
So if if the URL below is the endpoint of your CosmosDB and DNS for Private Endpoints is set up properly, this command should return a private IP address:
nameresolver.exe family.documents.azure.com
Please also note that your WebApp needs to be properly integrated into the VNET using VNET Integration, otherwise this will not work (but I would expect a different error if that was not the case).
CodePudding user response:
I don't know what went wrong. Everything started working after I recreated everything.
# Create Resource Group
az group create --name $rgName --location $location
# Create Azure Hub VNET
az network vnet create -g $rgName --name $hubVNetName --address-prefixes --location $location
# Create Azure Prod VNET
az network vnet create -g $rgName --name $prodVnetName --address-prefixes --location $location
az network vnet subnet create -g $rgName --vnet-name $prodVnetName --name Management --address-prefix
az network vnet subnet create -g $rgName --vnet-name $prodVnetName --name WebApp --address-prefix --delegations Microsoft.Web/serverFarms
az network vnet subnet create -g $rgName --vnet-name $prodVnetName --name Database --address-prefix
az network vnet subnet create -g $rgName --vnet-name $prodVnetName --name PrivateEndPoint --address-prefix --disable-private-endpoint-network-policies true
# Prod Subnet NSG
az network nsg create -g $rgName -n Prod-Management-subnet -l $location -o table
az network nsg create -g $rgName -n Prod-WebApp-subnet -l $location -o table
az network nsg create -g $rgName -n Prod-Database-subnet -l $location -o table
az network nsg create -g $rgName -n Prod-PrivateEndPoint-subnet -l $location -o table
az network vnet subnet update -g $rgName --vnet-name $prodVnetName --name Management --network-security-group Prod-Management-subnet
az network vnet subnet update -g $rgName --vnet-name $prodVnetName --name WebApp --network-security-group Prod-WebApp-subnet
az network vnet subnet update -g $rgName --vnet-name $prodVnetName --name Database --network-security-group Prod-Database-subnet
az network vnet subnet update -g $rgName --vnet-name $prodVnetName --name PrivateEndPoint --network-security-group Prod-PrivateEndPoint-subnet
# Peering
az network vnet peering create -g $rgName --name HUBtoProd --vnet-name $hubVNetName --remote-vnet $prodVnetName --allow-vnet-access --allow-forwarded-traffic --allow-gateway-transit
az network vnet peering create -g $rgName --name ProdtoHUB --vnet-name $prodVnetName --remote-vnet $hubVNetName --allow-vnet-access --allow-forwarded-traffic --allow-gateway-transit
# Create Cosmos Database
az group create --name CosmosDBRG --location $location
az cosmosdb create --name $cosmosdbAccount --resource-group $CosmosDBRG
az cosmosdb sql database create --account-name $cosmosdbAccount --resource-group $CosmosDBRG --name $cosmosdbName
az cosmosdb sql container create --account-name $cosmosdbAccount --resource-group $CosmosDBRG --database-name $cosmosdbName --name Family --partition-key-path "/address/zipcode" --throughput 400
az group create --name $privateZoneRG --location $location
az network private-dns zone create --name "privatelink.documents.azure.com" --resource-group $privateZoneRG
prodVnetID=$(az network vnet show --resource-group $rgName --name $prodVnetName --query id -o tsv)
az network private-dns link vnet create -n prodVnetPrivateDNSLink -g $privateZoneRG --zone-name "privatelink.documents.azure.com" -v $prodVnetID -e false
az group create --name $privateEndPointRG --location $location
privateendpointcosmosid=$(az cosmosdb show --name $cosmosdbAccount --resource-group $CosmosDBRG --query 'id' --output tsv)
prodVnetID=$(az network vnet show --resource-group $rgName --name $prodVnetName --query id -o tsv)
prodPrivateEndPointSubNetID=$(az network vnet subnet show --resource-group $rgName --name PrivateEndPoint --vnet-name $prodVnetName --query id -o tsv)
az network private-endpoint create --name $cosmosPEName --resource-group $privateEndPointRG --subnet $prodPrivateEndPointSubNetID --private-connection-resource-id $privateendpointcosmosid --location $location --connection-name $privateendpointconnectionname --group-id Sql
privateZoneID=$(az network private-dns zone show --name "privatelink.documents.azure.com" --resource-group $privateZoneRG --query "id" -o tsv)
az network private-endpoint dns-zone-group create --name $cosmosDBPEZoneGroup --resource-group $privateEndPointRG --endpoint-name $cosmosPEName --private-dns-zone $privateZoneID --zone-name privatelink.documents.azure.com
prodWorkLoadSubNetID=$(az network vnet subnet show --resource-group $rgName --name WebApp --vnet-name $prodVnetName --query id -o tsv)
az group create --name $webAppRG --location $location
az appservice plan create -g $webAppRG -n $appServicePlan --sku B1
az webapp create -g $webAppRG -p $appServicePlan -n $webAppName --subnet $prodWorkLoadSubNetID