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SQL - Select parent-childs recursive


I have 3 tables, one is "Permission" that has columns Id, Name and Permission. This is a role/permission table, if Permission column is null, it is a role, otherwise it is a permission. Another table is Permission_Permission, which has IdParentPermission that is the parent Id and IdChildPermission that is the child Id. And the third and last table is Users_Permissions, that relates users with permissions with columns IdUser and IdPermission.

For example:


Id Permission Name
1 DeleteUsers Can delete users
2 ChangePassword Can change password
3 NULL Administrator
4 Listusers Can view all the users
5 CreateUsers Can create new users
6 NULL Operator
7 CreateOffer Can create a new offer
8 DeleteOffer Can delete offers
9 NULL Buyer manager


IdParentPermission IdChildPermission
3 1
3 2
3 4
3 5
6 4
9 7
9 8
3 9


IdUser IdPermission
1 3
1 9
1 1

In this example, the user with Id 1 has the Administrator role, and the administrator role has all the permissions, but also has the "Buyer manager" role inside. It's like a tree with leaves, and a leaf can be a role or a permission, but a leaf can't be parent of his parent leaf.

What is need is a recursive script to retrieve the permissions/roles of a user with all the childs inside in this way.

IdUser IdPermission Name Permission IdParentPermission

I have tried a lot in SQL using "with" but no luck so far. This has to be recursive in order to get the roles with all the childs of the desired user, but I couldn't make it.

The data that I have in the database is this:


Id Permission Name
1 CanLogIn Can Log In
2 CanChangePassword Can Change Password
3 CanViewUsers Can View Users
4 CanCreateUsers Can Create Users
5 CanEditUsers Can Edit Users
6 CanDeleteUsers Can Delete Users
8 NULL Family 3
9 NULL Admin Role
11 NULL Test 123


IdParentPermission IdChildPermission
9 1
9 2
9 10
10 1
10 3
10 4
10 5
11 1
10 11


IdUser IdPermission
10 1
10 8
10 9
15 1
15 8
15 9

What I have so far is this:


declare @IdUser int = 10;
WITH recursivo AS (
        SELECT sp2.IdParentPermission, sp2.IdChildPermission FROM Permission_Permission SP2
        UNION ALL 
        SELECT sp.IdParentPermission, sp.IdChildPermission FROM Permission_Permission sp 
        INNER JOIN recursivo r on r.IdChildPermission = sp.IdParentPermission
    SELECT DISTINCT IdUser, p.Id, r.IdParentPermission, p.Permission, p.Name
    FROM recursivo r 
    INNER JOIN Permission p ON r.IdChildPermission = p.Id
    INNER JOIN Users_Permissions up on up.IdPermission = p.Id and IdUser= @IdUser

Unfortunatelly its not working as expected, only seems to be returning one permission:

IdUser Id IdParentPermission Permission Name
10 1 9 CanLogIn Can Log In
10 1 10 CanLogIn Can Log In
10 1 11 CanLogIn Can Log In

Expected results:

IdUser Id IdParentPermission Permission Name
10 1 NULL CanLogIn Can Log In
10 8 NULL NULL Family 3
10 9 NULL NULL Admin Role
10 1 9 CanLogIn Can Log In
10 2 9 CanChangePassword Can Change Password
10 10 9 NULL RRHH Role
10 1 10 CanLogIn Can Log In
10 3 10 CanViewUsers Can View Users
10 4 10 CanCreateUsers Can Create Users
10 5 10 CanEditUsers Can Edit Users

Edit: renamed tables/columns to match english language

CodePudding user response:

Your problem is that you are starting your recursive CTE one level down. You need to start with the base rows, then recurse from there

DECLARE @IdUser int = 10;

WITH cte AS (
    SELECT up.IdUser, Id = up.IdPermission, IdParentPermission = NULL
    FROM Users_Permissions up
    WHERE up.IdUser = @IdUser

    SELECT cte.IdUser, pp.IdChildPermission, pp.IdParentPermission
    FROM cte
    JOIN Permission_Permission pp ON pp.IdParentPermission = cte.Id
FROM cte
JOIN Permission p ON p.Id = cte.Id;

This result obviously returns multiple results for the same permission. For example, permission 1 inherits from 11 which inherits from 10 which inherits from 9, but this user already has a direct permission for 1.

To resolve this, you could take the row which uses the lowest recursion.

DECLARE @IdUser int = 10;

WITH cte AS (
    SELECT up.IdUser, Id = up.IdPermission, IdParentPermission = NULL, Level = 0
    FROM Users_Permissions up
    WHERE up.IdUser = @IdUser

    SELECT cte.IdUser, pp.IdChildPermission, pp.IdParentPermission, cte.Level   1
    FROM cte
    JOIN Permission_Permission pp ON pp.IdParentPermission = cte.Id
WithRn AS (
      rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY IdUser, Id ORDER BY Level, IdParentPermission)
    FROM cte
FROM WithRN cte
JOIN Permission p ON p.Id = cte.Id
WHERE cte.rn = 1;


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