Home > database >  How do I Read a text File with below structure and assign in to Object class
How do I Read a text File with below structure and assign in to Object class


The text File to read is provided below -

  1. context:dev
  2. region:asia
  3. lob:all
  4. projects: (This is a list of project)
  5. name:hub
  6. topics: (List of Topic inside projects)
  7. dataType:0
  8. name:cdc
  9. plan:dev-rack
  10. dataType:0.dlq
  11. name:cdc
  12. plan:rack
  13. dataType:0
  14. name:raw
  15. plan:dev
  16. schemas:
  17. value.schema.file:-data-hub.raw.0-value-v1.json
  18. value.format:JSON
  19. dataType:Produce.dlq
  20. name:raw
  21. plan:ack
  22. schemas:
  23. value.schema.file:hub.raw.0-value-v1.json
  24. value.format:JSON
  25. dataType:0
  26. name:dom
  27. plan:dev
  28. schemas:
  29. value.schema.file:dom.0-value-v1.json
  30. value.format:JSON
  31. dataType:Produce.dlq
  32. name:dom
  33. plan:de
  34. schemas:
  35. value.schema.file:0-value-v1.json
  36. value.format:JSON
public class Parameter {
    private String context;
    private String region;
    private String lob;
    private List<Project> Project;
public class Project {
    private String name;
    private List<Topic> topics;
public class Topic {
    private String dataType;
    private String name;
    private String plan;
    private Schemas schemas;

    public boolean checkDlq(String dataType) {
        dataType = getDataType();
        if (dataType.contains("dlq")) {
            return true;
            return false;
public class Schemas {
    private Value value;
public class Value {
    private Schema schema;
    private String format;
public class Schema {
    private String file;

Details : So I have to read above file line by line and add all the details in Parameters class and print it.

Example: context:dev so i have to read the dev part and put it inside parameter.setContext("dev"); but without hard coding it.

I Tried reading it but i was not able to find out how do we apply nested hashMap. As there is a list of project and inside there is list of Topics.

Edit: Purpose of reading this file is that , after reading i have to convert it in Yaml format file.

Edit: Below is the example i.e. I have to convert the text file into Yaml. The example is of yaml file (I have to convert my plain text file into this).

context: "dev"
region: "asia"
lob: "all"
  - name: "hub"
    - dataType: "0"
      name: "cdc"
      plan: "devrack"
    - dataType: "0.dlq"
      name: "cdc"
      plan: "dev-bronze-rack"  
    - dataType: "0"
      name: "raw"
      plan: "rack"
        value.schema.file: "hub.raw.0-value-v1.json"
        value.format: "JSON" 
    - dataType: "Produce.dlq"
      name: "raw"
      plan: "devrack"
        value.schema.file: "raw.0-value-v1.json"
        value.format: "JSON"
    - dataType: "0"
      name: "dom"
      plan: "rack"
        value.schema.file: "0-value-v1.json"
        value.format: "JSON"
    - dataType: "0.dlq"
      name: "dom"
      plan: "dev"
        value.schema.file: "v1.json"
        value.format: "JSON"

Edit : I Came up with one solution But there is one Problem i.e -> if there is only one project list(starting from name parameter) line 5, the soluition is working fine, but if i put next list of project (starting with -name itself) after line 36. It is not creating next list of project and adding all the details inside list of topics. Below is the solution code

public class YamlProcessor {

    public void addToObject() throws IOException {

        Parameter parameter = new Parameter();
        FileReader fileReader = new FileReader("C:/Users/zk72/Desktop/schema.txt");
        BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
        String line = bufferedReader.readLine();

        List<Topic> addTopic = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Project> addProject = new ArrayList<>();
        //Single Variable
        Map<String, String> singleVariable = new HashMap<>();
        //For Project list - eg-> project1 , list of project
        Map<String, Map<String,String>> projects = new HashMap<>();
        Map<String, Map<String,Map<String,String>>> ps = new HashMap<>();
        //For Topics List - eg-> topic1, list of project
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> topics = new HashMap<>();

        while (line != null) {
            String s[] = line.split(":");
            switch (s[0]) {
                case Constants.CONTEXT:

                case Constants.REGION:

                case Constants.LOB:

                case Constants.PROJECTS:
                    Map<String, String> project = new HashMap<>();
                    Map<String, String> topic = new HashMap<>();
                    int projectCount = 1;
                    while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
                        String ss[] = line.split(":");
                        if (ss[0].equals(Constants.NAME)) {
                            if (!project.isEmpty() && project != null) {
                                projects.put("project" projectCount, project);
                                projectCount  ;
                                project = new HashMap<>();
                            }else {
                        }else if (ss[0].equals(Constants.TOPICS)) {
                            int topicCount = 1;
                            while((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null){
                                String str[] = line.split(":");
                                if (str[0].equals(Constants.DATA_TYPE) && !str[0].equals(Constants.NAME)) {
                                    if(!topic.isEmpty() && topic !=null){
                                        topics.put("topic" topicCount, topic);
                                        topicCount  ;
                                        topic = new HashMap<>();
                                    } else {
                                } else {
                                    if(str.length > 1)

                            topicCount  ;
                            topics.put("topic" topicCount, topic);
                    projectCount  ;
                    projects.put("project" projectCount, project);
            line = bufferedReader.readLine();


        for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String,String>> entry: topics.entrySet()) {
            Topic topic = new Topic();

            Schemas schemas = new Schemas();
            Value value = new Value();
            Schema schema = new Schema();



        for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> entry: projects.entrySet()) {
            Project project = new Project();



        DumperOptions options = new DumperOptions();
        PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new File("./src/main/resources/topology3.yml"));
        Yaml yaml = new Yaml(options);
        yaml.dump(parameter, writer);


    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        YamlProcessor processor = new YamlProcessor();

CodePudding user response:

In yaml you should have nested parameters also. So you should add child parameters to your Parameter class like:

public class Parameter {
    private String context;
    private String region;
    private String lob;
    private List<Project> topics;
    private Set<Parameter> subParameters;


So in line 35,36. They are child of value parameter.

And how Projects and Topics related to each other? Can you give any example for it

CodePudding user response:

If you just want to convert the input file to yaml, you don't need to completely deserialize it into objects first.

You only need to add various prefixes / indenting depending on the key. To distinguish the project from the topic, I simply relied on the order of keys: if name comes in the line following dataType I let it be an element of topic, otherwise it's an element of project.

public static void convertToYaml(Reader input, Writer output) throws IOException {
  var reader = new BufferedReader(input);
  var line = reader.readLine();
  var lastLineDataType = false;

  while(null != line) {
    var pos = line.indexOf(':');
    var key = (pos >= 0 ? line.substring(0, pos) : line).trim();
    var value = (pos >= 0) && (pos < line.length()) ? line.substring(pos   1) : "";

    var prefix = switch(key) {
      case "name" -> lastLineDataType ? "      " : "  - ";
      case "topics" -> "    ";
      case "dataType" -> "    - ";
      case "plan", "schemas" -> "      ";
      case "value.schema.file", "value.format" -> "        ";
      default -> "";

    lastLineDataType = "dataType".equals(key);

    if (!key.isEmpty()) {
      output.write(prefix   key   ": ");
      output.write(value.isBlank() ? "" : '"'   value.trim()   '"');
    line = reader.readLine();

No validation of the input happens, so the "sh*t in -> sh*t out" principle fully applies ;-)

This code makes use of Java 17 features, so you might have to change the switch a bit to work with older Java versions.

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