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On line column, refer to the SUM SUM of doubt exists at the same time


Has the following data sources:

The following is the script I wrote the statement:
; With the cta as (
Select * from (
Select [notena]
, [mCour]
, [TolBottle]
The from [Noteinf_Detail]
) p
The pivot (
Max ([TolBottle]) for [mCour] in [[2020-01], [2020-02], [2020-03], [2020-04], [2020-05], [2020-06], [2020-07], [2020-08], [2020-09], [2020-10])
) as PVT
CTB as (
The select notena, sum (TranNum) as tranval from Noteinf_Detail group by notena
Select a. *
, b.t ranval

The from the cta as a
Left the join CTB as b on a.n otena=b.n otena

Is can realize to demand, but whether two subsets, can be written as a set?
Because line column is dynamic, in a few months, there are a few columns, not static,

CodePudding user response:

With reference to the

CodePudding user response:

 DECLARE @ Sql NVARCHAR (4000)='
SELECT @ Sql +=', Max (case when [mCour]=' ' '+ RTRIM ([mCour]) +' ' 'then [TolBottle] END) AS' + QUOTENAME ([mCour]) FROM [Noteinf_Detail] GROUP BY [mCour]
SET @ Sql='the select [notena] Sql + + @', the sum (TranNum) as tranval FROM [Noteinf_Detail] group by [notena] '
EXEC (Sql) @

CodePudding user response:

I carefully studied the once, you gave me the sentence structure, this method, which can not adapt to the demand, I I is directly converted into this structure:
Select a. *, tranval

The from (
Select * from (
Select [notena], [mCour], [TolBottle] from [Noteinf_Detail]
) p pivot (Max ([TolBottle]) for [mCour] in [[2020-01], [2020-02], [2020-03], [2020-04], [2020-05], [2020-06], [2020-07], [2020-08], [2020-09], [2020-10])) as PVT
) as a
Inner join (
The select notena, sum (TranNum) as tranval from Noteinf_Detail group by notena) as b on a.n otena=b.n otena

Mainly is the sum is the aggregation function, implanted directly on the pivot of this subset, I can't successful test execution,
On the inner or outer layer, are not support ah, I don't know whether I write has a problem,

If in the outer layer, the layer and didn't call the field
Like this:
Select *
And tranval=(select notena, sum (TranNum) as tranval as b from Noteinf_Detail where a.n otena=b.n otena group by notena)

The from (
Select [notena], [mCour], [TolBottle] from [Noteinf_Detail]
) p pivot (Max ([TolBottle]) for [mCour] in [[2020-01], [2020-02], [2020-03], [2020-04], [2020-05], [2020-06], [2020-07], [2020-08], [2020-09], [2020-10])) as PVT

CodePudding user response:

Use the pivot need to summary first

CodePudding user response:

Dynamic splicing SQL, with reference to the last link the
 generated from this period (2020-01], [[2020-02], [2020-03], [2020-04], [2020-05], [2020-06], [2020-07], [2020-08], [2020-09] 
, the 2020-10)

The FROM (SELECT [notena]
, [mCour]
, [TolBottle]
, the SUM (TranNum) OVER (PARTITION BY [notena]) AS tranval
The FROM [Noteinf_Detail]) AS t1
The PIVOT (MAX ([TolBottle])
FOR [mCour] IN [[2020-01], [2020-02], [2020-03], [2020-04], [2020-05], [2020-06], [2020-07], [2020-08], [2020-09]
, the 2020-10)) AS PVT;
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