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Oracle11g centos7 silent installation


Silent installation Oracle11g
System configuration
# OS version
/root @ ljforacle03 ~ # cat/proc/version
The Linux version 3.10.0-514. El7. X86_64 ([email protected]) (GCC version 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11) (GCC)) # 1 SMP Tue Nov 22 16:42:41 UTC 2016
/root @ ljforacle03 ~ # cat/etc/redhat - release
CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)

# # the kernel information
/root @ ljforacle03 ~ # uname -r
3.10.0-514. El7. X86_64

# system memory
/root @ ljforacle03 ~ # cat/proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal
MemTotal: 16267760 kB

# swap memory and swap space capacity
/root @ ljforacle03 ~ # free - t
Total 2 free Shared buff/cache available
Mem: 16267760 599752 660004 619444 15008004 14633956
Swap: 8388604 6632 8381972
Total: 24656364 606384 9041976

# the space in the/TMP directory
/root @ ljforacle03 ~ # df -h/TMP
The Filesystem Size, informs the Avail Use % Mounted on
/dev/sda3 192 g to 134 g 59 g 70%/

# disk space
/root @ ljforacle03 ~ # df - lh
The Filesystem Size, informs the Avail Use % Mounted on
/dev/sda3 192 g to 134 g 59 g 70%/
Devtmpfs 0 0% 7.8 G/7.8 G dev
TMPFS 7.8 G 7.8 G 0 0%/dev/SHM
TMPFS 7.8 G 8.6 M 7.8 G 1%/run
TMPFS 7.8 G 7.8 G 0 0%/sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda1 197 m 114 m 83 m 58%/boot
TMPFS 1.6 G 1.6 G 0 0%/run/user/0
1, install oracle depend on the relationship between package
yum install -y binutils compat-libcap1 compat-libstdc++-33 compat-libstdc++-33.i686 glibc glibc.i686 glibc-devel glibc-devel.i686 ksh libaio libaio.i686 libaio-devel libaio-devel.i686 libX11 libX11.i686 libXau libXau.i686 libXi libXi.i686 libXtst libXtst.i686 libgcc libgcc.i686 libstdc++ libstdc++.i686 libstdc++-devel libstdc++-devel.i686 libxcb libxcb.i686 make nfs-utils net-tools smartmontools sysstat unixODBC unixODBC-devel gcc gcc-c++ libXext libXext.i686 zlib-devel zlib-devel.i686
2, modifying kernel parameters
Mainly includes the memory scheduling, port range, open the file, I/O request related to some of the Settings, the related numerical not below installation requirements

Vim/etc/sysctl. Conf
Fs. File - Max=6815744
Kernel. Sem=250, 32000, 100, 128
The kernel. Shmmni=4096
The kernel. Shmall=1073741824
The kernel, shmmax=4398046511104
The kernel. Panic_on_oops=1
Net. Core. Rmem_default=262144
Net. Core. Rmem_max=4194304
Net. Core. Wmem_default=262144
Net. Core. Wmem_max=1048576
Net. Ipv4. Conf. All. Rp_filter=2
Net. Ipv4. Conf. Default. Rp_filter=2
Fs. Aio - Max - nr=1048576
Net. Ipv4. Ip_local_port_range=9000, 65500
Refresh the kernel parameter table

/sbin/sysctl -p
The kernel. Shmall:

This parameter controls can use Shared memory of the total number of pages,
The Linux Shared memory is 4 KB page size, the size of the Shared memory segments are Shared memory page size integer times,
The maximum size of a Shared memory segment is 16 g, so need a Shared memory pages is 16 gb/4 KB=16777216 KB/4 KB=4194304 (pp)
Or 64 - bit systems under 16 gb of physical memory, set up the kernel. The shmall=4194304 to meet the requirements.
The kernel. Shmmax:

Is one of the most important parameters in the core parameters, the maximum value is used to define a single Shared memory segment,
Settings should be enough big, set too low might need to create multiple Shared memory segments, that could lead to reduced performance of the system,
As for the led to the decrease of the system in the instance was the main cause of the startup and ServerProcess created, may lead to multiple small Shared memory segment was slightly lower performance of the system, but there will be no other time influence
(need to create multiple virtual address at start-up time, at the time of process creation to make process to "recognize" of multiple segments, there will be some impact)
The official recommended values:
32-bit Linux system: a maximum desirable for 4 gb (4294967296 bytes) - 1 byte,
Or 4294967295, it is recommended that the value of more than half of the memory, so if it is 32 for the system, the general value is 4294967295,
A maximum of 64 - bit Linux system: desirable for physical memory value 1 byte, suggested that value is more than half the physical memory
For example, if 12 gb of physical memory, 1210241024 * 1024-1=12884901887,
The kernel. Shmmni:

This parameter is the maximum amount of Shared memory segment, the default value of 4096 shmmni, generally must have been enough,

The kernel. Sem:

With the kernel. The sem=250, 32000, 100, 128, for example:
250 is the value of the parameter semmsl said a semaphore set to include in the maximum number of semaphore,
32000 is the value of the parameter semmns said in the system can allow the maximum number of semaphore,
100 is the value of the parameter semopm represents a single semopm () call in a number of operations can be performed on a semaphore set,
128 is the value of the parameter semmni signal collection system, total
Net. Ipv4. Ip_local_port_range:

Said the application can use the IPv4 port range,
Net. Core. Rmem_default:

Said the socket, the default value of the receive buffer size
Net. Core. Rmem_max:

Said the socket to receive the maximum buffer size,

Net. Core. Wmem_default:

Said, the default value of the socket send buffer size
Net. Core. Wmem_max:

A maximum of said the socket send buffer size,
3, modify the kernel limit parameter
Vim/etc/security/limits. D/20 - nproc. Conf
# Default limit for number of user 's the processes to prevent
# accidental fork bombs.
# See RHBZ # 432903 for reasoning.

* soft nproc 4096
Root soft nproc unlimited
Oracle soft nofiles 1024
Oracle hard nofiles 65536
Oracle soft nproc 16384
Oracle hard nproc 16384
Oracle soft stack 10240
Oracle hard stack 32768
Oracle hard memlock 134217728
Oracle soft memlock 134217728
4, create an oracle account and group
Oninstall - installation and upgrade the Oracle program
The dba - a database of all operation:
Startup, shut down, change the database, create and delete database, log archive mode switch, backup and restore database
Oper - start, shut down and change the database, the log archive mode switch, backup and restore database
Asmdba - Oracle automatic storage management (ASM) instance
Asmoper, start and stop the Oracle ASM instance
Asmadmin - mount other storage devices and uninstall the disk group and management
Backupdba - 12 c new features: start, shut down and perform all backup and restore
Dgdba - 12 c new features: the management Data Guard environment related operations
Kmdba - 12 c new features: encryption management related operations
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