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Putting items from a dictionary into a string


I want to use data from a list of dictionaries in a string. For example

dict = [{'name':'Matt', 'age':'21'},{'name':'Sally','age':'28'}]

print(f"His name is {??} and he is {??} years old")

I need to know what to replace the question marks with to make it work.

I have looked a lot of stack overflow and found some things, but nothing to get one specific item. I found

print([item["name"]for item in dict])

CodePudding user response:

Iterate over the dicts, and then use the [] operator to get the name and age keys.

people = [{'name':'Matt', 'age':'21'},{'name':'Sally','age':'28'}]

for p in people:
    print(f"Their name is {p['name']} and they are {p['age']} years old")
Their name is Matt and they are 21 years old
Their name is Sally and they are 28 years old

CodePudding user response:

  • For print all persons in the dict:
for person in dict:
  print(f"His name is {person['name']} and he is {person['age']} years old")


His name is Matt and he is 21 years old
His name is Sally and he is 28 years old
  • For print one person in the dict, using his index (index 1 in this example):
print(f"His name is {dict[1]['name']} and he is {dict[1]['age']} years old")


His name is Sally and he is 28 years old

CodePudding user response:

dict = [{'name':'Matt', 'age':'21'},{'name':'Sally','age':'28'}]

dict is a list of dictionaries. (Terrible variable name choice, by the way. dict is already the name of something built-in to Python, so by using that as a variable name, you've lost its original meaning. Plus, you're using dict to hold a list of people, so the name itself is not very meaningful. people would be a much better name.)

Lists are accessed by an integer index. So in this case, dict[0] is Matt's entry, and dict[1] is Sally's entry.

Now that you know dict[0] is Matt's entry, you can use the standard dictionary key syntax.

Matt's name is dict[0]['name'] and his age is dict[0]['age'].

Likewise Sally's name is dict[1]['name'] and her age is dict[1]['age'].

(All of this is very basic Python syntax. What part, exactly, did you have trouble with?)

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