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How can i Flatten this JSON file so that i can make it compatible to be uploaded to SQL


I am having a Nested JSON file, How can I flatten it so that I can make it compatible to upload it in SQL. This JSON file is nested and till the "in_network" key it works fine but the value "in_network" has a list of dicts so I guess my code cannot determine how to perform the task after that. I might be missing some lines of code. A help in code will be very much helpful.

  "reporting_entity_name": "medicare",
  "reporting_entity_type": "medicare",
  "plan_name": "medicaid",
  "plan_id_type": "hios",
  "plan_id": "1111111111",
  "plan_market_type": "individual",
  "last_updated_on": "2020-08-27",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "in_network": [
      "negotiation_arrangement": "ffs",
      "name": "Knee Replacement",
      "billing_code_type": "CPT",
      "billing_code_type_version": "2020",
      "billing_code": "27447",
      "description": "Arthroplasty, knee condyle and plateau, medial and lateral compartments",
      "negotiated_rates": [
          "provider_groups": [
              "npi": [0],
              "tin": {
                "type": "ein",
                "value": "11-1111111"
          "negotiated_prices": [
              "negotiated_type": "negotiated",
              "negotiated_rate": 123.45,
              "expiration_date": "2022-01-01",
              "billing_class": "institutional"

Here is the python code I am using.

import json
import pandas as pd

with open('new_test.json', 'r') as f:
    data = json.loads(f.read())

nested_data = pd.json_normalize(data, max_level=10)

After the current code the dataframe looks like enter image description here

What ever is inside in_network is stored as it is but I want to store it like in_network.negotiation_arrangement a new column with value or in_network.name with its value. Something like every key has its own column.

Here is what the table

    reporting_entity_name   reporting_entity_type   plan_name   plan_id_type    plan_id plan_market_type    last_updated_on version in_network
0   medicare    medicare    medicaid    hios    1111111111  individual  2020-08-27  1.0.0   [{'negotiation_arrangement': 'ffs', 'name': 'Knee Replacement', 'billing_code_type': 'CPT', 'billing_code_type_version': '2020', 'billing_code': '27447', 'description': 'Arthroplasty, knee condyle and plateau, medial and lateral compartments', 'negotiated_rates': [{'provider_groups': [{'npi': [0], 'tin': {'type': 'ein', 'value': '11-1111111'}}], 'negotiated_prices': [{'negotiated_type': 'negotiated', 'negotiated_rate': 123.45, 'expiration_date': '2022-01-01', 'billing_class': 'institutional'}]}]}]

CodePudding user response:

Using json_normalize() to parse and functools to merge:

from functools import reduce

import pandas as pd

df_main = pd.json_normalize(
    meta=["reporting_entity_name", "reporting_entity_type", "plan_name", "plan_id_type",
          "plan_id", "plan_market_type", "last_updated_on", "version"],

df_provider = pd.json_normalize(
    meta=["reporting_entity_name", "reporting_entity_type", "plan_name", "plan_id_type",
          "plan_id", "plan_market_type", "last_updated_on", "version"],
    record_path=["in_network", "negotiated_rates", "provider_groups"]

df_prices = pd.json_normalize(
    meta=["reporting_entity_name", "reporting_entity_type", "plan_name", "plan_id_type",
          "plan_id", "plan_market_type", "last_updated_on", "version"],
    record_path=["in_network", "negotiated_rates", "negotiated_prices"]

dfs = [df_main, df_provider, df_prices]
final_df = reduce(lambda left, right: pd.merge(
    on=["reporting_entity_name", "reporting_entity_type", "plan_name", "plan_id_type",
        "plan_id", "plan_market_type", "last_updated_on", "version"]
), dfs).explode("npi")



  negotiation_arrangement              name billing_code_type billing_code_type_version billing_code                                                              description reporting_entity_name reporting_entity_type plan_name plan_id_type     plan_id plan_market_type last_updated_on version npi tin.type   tin.value negotiated_type  negotiated_rate expiration_date  billing_class
0                     ffs  Knee Replacement               CPT                      2020        27447  Arthroplasty, knee condyle and plateau, medial and lateral compartments              medicare              medicare  medicaid         hios  1111111111       individual      2020-08-27   1.0.0   0      ein  11-1111111      negotiated           123.45      2022-01-01  institutional
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