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How can I pass an API key as a header in an httr request


I'm trying to access the aletheia api using httr in R.

currently my code looks like the the example below. But this return an respons stating that I have not supplied my key in the request. Where am I going wrong?

key <- "my_key"
base_url <- "https://api.aletheiaapi.com/LatestTransactions"
header <- c("key" = key)
testing_insiders <- GET(base_url, add_headers(header), query = list(
  issuer = "1800"

CodePudding user response:

You can actually provide the key either as a header named "key" or as a query term. Both of these work for me:

url <- "https://api.aletheiaapi.com/StockData?symbol=msft"
header <- c("key" = "MY_KEY")
r  <- GET(url,

url <- "https://api.aletheiaapi.com/StockData?symbol=msft&key=MY_KEY"
r  <- GET(url)

If I used an invalid key then I get the message you saw. I suspect there is a problem with your key (not copied correctly, expired, too many requests, or something else.)

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