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How can I create a topnav beside a sidenav I've already created?


For context, I'm practically making a reskin of Twitter. At least as of right now, that's what it is. I've created a sidenav already, and I want to add a topnav beside it. Something like this: as in the follwing

or you can make your layout more strict by using display grid and modifying the follwing (recommended):

.sidenav {
    height: 100%;
    width: 550px;
    /* position: fixed; */
    background-color: #181818;
    overflow-x: hidden;
    padding-top: 20px;
    /*The following line says that this element spans for two rows*/
    grid-row: 1/-1;

    display: grid;
    padding: 0 15% 0 15%;
    grid-template-columns: min-content min-content;
    grid-template-rows: min-content max-content;
    justify-content: left;

the result would be something like: enter image description here

and then to make nav bars fixed in place, you can add another div after the top nav and make it scroll on overflow-y and you can hide its scrollbar if u want to.

finally i think grid would be the best choice to achieve your overall goal for the layout.

plz upvote if this helps.


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