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Card device software code decoding chip, speaking, reading and writing


The data inside the chip composite card software ", add the code word: 295 {{{{%} 202 & amp; Can test 808}}}, pack a skip,
1 uint8_t} AT24CXX_READ_ONE_BYTE (uint16_t address) 2 {3 uint8_t dat. 4 5 I2C_START (); 6 AT24CXX_ERR=I2C_WRITE_BYTE (AT24CXX_WIRTE_CMD); 7 the if (AT24CXX_ERR!=0)//no response directly exit 8 {9 AT24CXX_ERR=I2C_WRITE_BYTE (address & amp; 0 XFF); 10 the if (AT24CXX_ERR!=0) 11 {12 I2C_START (); 13 14 AT24CXX_ERR=I2C_WRITE_BYTE (AT24CXX_READ_CMD); 15 the if (AT24CXX_ERR! 17 dat==0) 16 {I2C_READ_BYTE (0); 18 I2C_STOP (); 19}} 20 21} 22 23 return dat. 24}