Home > front end >  About the use of gulp of problems in the process of compressed HTML file?
About the use of gulp of problems in the process of compressed HTML file?


NRM module, gulp module download gulp htmlmin plugin after the download is complete, and relevant project source files, after the output files are ready to start running compressed HTML code:

Run after an error
[19:43:57] Using gulpfile D: \ WEB front-end \ \ case Node. Js \ gulp - demo \ gulpfile js
[19:43:57] Starting 'htmlmin'...
[19:43:57] 'htmlmin errored after 4.57 ms
[19:43:57] TypeError: HTML indexOf is not a function
Related code in. Here's my gulpfile js and bosses can see,
//introduce gulp module
Const gulp=the require (" gulp ");

//introduce htmlmin file compression plug-ins
Const htmlmin=the require (' htmlmin ');

//by gulp module call task method to create htmlmin file compression task htmlmin is task name with the callback function
Gulp. Task (' htmlmin '()=& gt; {
The console. The log ('? ')
Gulp. SRC ('./SRC/*. HTML ')
//call htmlmin method compression obtained s file
Pipe (htmlmin ({collapseWhitespace: true}))
//call dest method by gulp module output compressed files
Pipe (gulp. Dest (' dist))

I gulp download version 4.0.2, baidu someone similar problem but is not the same as in with me but the error message is a bit similar, a main changed gulp version solved for version 3.9, I tried this method but no eggs with,
The following is the first version information:

Introducing htmlmin plug-ins in the implementation of the code snippet htmlmin front three dots... The mouse after prompt information is as follows:

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