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Ajax cross-domain access, the options preview permission request to pass the background, and lead to


Ajax cross-domain access, the options preview request cannot access through the background, cause errors, such as return 403500

Online to find a lot of, is the background makes the options request directly pass away, this let a person very uncomfortable, like, predecessors in order to let you live in safety door, made a door for you, you don't know the key, so open the door,

So want to ask, if there is a know "keys", please inform, thank you very much

CodePudding user response:

Can consult CROS, json
Json is not recommended, however, can be to get request way

CodePudding user response:

The emergence of the options, is the request cross-domain and brought the custom of the header; If don't want to let the back-end to modify the original code or the backend is third-party interface cannot be modified; You can only build on their server proxy server;

CodePudding user response:

Cross-domain, generally not framework development suggest using nginx proxy cross-domain (my blog posts), as well as webpack framework recommends own proxy (has), json is in itself a get request for temporary, there is a lot of limitations, is not suitable for development

CodePudding user response:

Set Nginx configuration for individual treatment Options do:
Server {
listen 80;
Server_name xxx.com;

The location/XXX - web/papi {
Add_header 'Access - Control - Allow - Origin' $http_origin;
Add_header 'Access - Control - Allow - Credentials'' true '.
Add_header 'Access - Control - Allow - the Methods'' GET, POST, OPTIONS ';
Add_header 'Access - Control - Allow - Headers'' DNT, web - token, app - token, Authorization, Accept, Origin, Keep Alive, the user-agent, X - Mx - ReqToken, X-ray Data - Type, X-ray Auth token, X-ray Requested - With the if-modified-since, cache-control, the content-type, Range ';
Add_header 'Access - Control - Expose - Headers'' Content - Length, Content - Range;
if ($request_method='OPTIONS') {
Add_header 'Access - Control - Max - the Age of 1728000.
Add_header 'the content-type' text/plain; Charset=utf-8 ';
Add_header 'Content - Length 0;
The return of 204;

root html;
index index.html index.htm;
Proxy_set_header Host $Host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
Proxy_connect_timeout 5;

The location/{
index index.html index.htm;

error_page 500 502 503 504/50x.html;
Location=/50 x) HTML {
root html;

CodePudding user response:

Could you tell me how to solve the last????
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