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Echarts couldn't load diagram, the json data format how to diagram variables?


Homework recently, need to implement with echarts diagram shown on the page, write code is not an error, but the page loading is not loaded image has been displayed, the dao layer Servlet of what would be all right, want to bosses, please tell me where to write wrong, should say, thank you! Below is a JSP code:

Var myChart=echarts. Init (document. GetElementById (' main1 '));
MyChart. ShowLoading ();
Var option={
Title: {
Text: 'the map key ipc small class co-occurrence analysis'
AnimationDurationUpdate: 1500,
AnimationEasingUpdate: 'quinticInOut',
Series: [
Type: 'graph,
Layout: 'none',
//progressiveThreshold: 700,
The data (the function () {
Var dataArr=[];
$. Ajax ({
Url: "jishucoripc. Do,
DataType: "json",
Type: "post",
Async: false,
Data: {},
Success: the function (result) {
If (result) {
for(var j=0; J//if data [j] lt_status=="001") {
The console. The log (result [j]. Journal of source);
The console. The log (result [j]. Journal of weight);
Var obj={
X: Math. The random (),
Y: Math. The random (),
Id: the result [j]. Journal of source,
Name: the result [j]. Journal of source,
SymbolSize: result [j]. Journal of weight,
ItemStyle: {
Color: the function writeRandomColor () {
Var rand=Math. Round (Math. The random () * 0 x1000000);
Var color="00000". The concat (rand. ToString (16));
Document. The write (" # "+ color. Substr (color. The length - 6, 6));
DataArr. Push (obj);
Return dataArr;
}) (),
Edges (function () {
Var linkArr=[];
$. Ajax ({
Url: "jishucoripc. Do,
DataType: "json",
Type: "post",
Data: {},
Async: false,
Success: the function (result) {
If (result) {
for(var j=0; J//if data [j] lt_status=="001") {
The console. The log (result [j]. Journal of source);
The console. The log (result [j]. Journal of target);
Var link={
Source: the result [j]. Journal of source,
Target: the result [j]. Journal of target,
LinkArr. Push (link);



}) ();
Return linkArr; }),
Emphasis: {
Label: {
Position: 'right',
Show: true
Levenshtein distance: true,
FocusNodeAdjacency: true,
Graphics.linestyle: {
Width: 0.5,
Curveness: 0.3,
Opacity: 0.7
Below is the official website of Demo:
MyChart. ShowLoading ();
$. GetJSON (ROOT_PATH + 'data/asset/data/npmdepgraph min10. Json', function (json) {
MyChart. HideLoading ();
MyChart. SetOption (option={
Title: {
Text: 'NPM Dependencies'
AnimationDurationUpdate: 1500,
AnimationEasingUpdate: 'quinticInOut',
Series: [
Type: 'graph,
Layout: 'none',
//progressiveThreshold: 700,
Data: json. Nodes. The map (function (node) {
Return {
X: node. X,
Y: node. J y,
Id: the node id,
Name: the node label,
SymbolSize: node. The size,
ItemStyle: {
Color: the node color
Edges: json. Edges. The map (function (edge) {
Return {
Source: edge sourceID,
Target: edge targetID
Emphasis: {
Label: {
Position: 'right',
Show: true
Levenshtein distance: true,
FocusNodeAdjacency: true,
Graphics.linestyle: {
Width: 0.5,
Curveness: 0.3,
Opacity: 0.7
}, true);

CodePudding user response:

2 ajax calls setOption again after, don't forget to hideLoading

CodePudding user response:

Data edges request first, inside the callback to option value assignment
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