Suppose I have three four columns like item,item_latitude,item_longitude and azimuth.
I am trying to create a rectangle for each lat and long in the azimuth direction for /-35 degree and 2 Kilometer.
Example . There is a azimuth of site x is 45 degree so 35 and -35 degree to 45 degree would be 15 degree and 80 degree and distance would be 2 KM
i am trying to get all polygon for that area.I have used jts.util.GeometricShapeFactory Library but it always create a circle like below .I have used scala with jts.util.GeometricShapeFactory Library.
def generatePolygoan(lat:String,long:String,diameterINKM:Double):Option[String] = {
val latitude = lat.toDouble
val longitude = long.toDouble
val diameterInMeters = diameterINKM * 1000
val shapeFactory = new GeometricShapeFactory()
//shapeFactory.setNumPoints(64) // adjustable
shapeFactory.setCentre(new Coordinate(latitude, longitude))
// Length in meters of 1° of latitude = always 111.32 km
shapeFactory.setWidth(diameterInMeters / 111320d)
// Length in meters of 1° of longitude = 40075 km * cos( latitude ) / 360
shapeFactory.setHeight(diameterInMeters / (40075000 * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(latitude)) / 360))
val circle = shapeFactory.createCircle()
The above code create the circle around the lat and long, but i need to create the rectangle in the direction of azimuth only /- 35 degree.
Please help me i am new in Geometry. The code may be in any programming like JAVA/SCALA/PHP/PYTHON/MYSQL/POSTGRES/MONGODB or even mathematics pseudo code
CodePudding user response:
You need to create a function that compute a point from another point in an certain azimuth and at a certain distance (see geographic distance and azimuth chapter 1C]Then call the function :
- loop from item point to azimuth - delta on azimuth at distance
- loop from azimuth - delta azimuth to azimuth delta azimuth at distance
- loop from azimuth delta at distance to item point :
Code :
import math
earthRadius = 6371.0 # earth radius in km
# utility functions working in degrees
def cos(d):
return math.cos(math.radians(d))
def sin(d):
return math.sin(math.radians(d))
def arccos(d):
return math.degrees(math.acos(d))
def arcsin(d):
return math.degrees(math.asin(d))
def printLatLon(lat,lon,prefix="",sep=" "):
# function to compute a point at some distance in some direction
def pointFrom(lat1, lon1, azimuth, distance):
b = math.degrees(distance / earthRadius)
a = arccos(cos(b)*cos(90 - lat1) sin(90 - lat1)*sin(b)*cos(azimuth))
B = arcsin(sin(b)*sin(azimuth)/sin(a))
lat2 = 90 - a
lon2 = B lon1
# set initial point
p0Lat = 18.3965 # latitude in degrees
p0Lon = 74.7274 # longitude in degrees
azimuth = 20.0 # azumuth in degrees
distance = 2.0 # distance in km (sane unit as earth radius)
deltaAzimuth = 35.0
pList = [[p0Lat,p0Lon]]
# conpute arc from point 0 to azimuth - 35
nbPoints = 5
deltaDistance = distance / nbPoints
print(str.format("delta distance {:.3} km",deltaDistance))
azi = azimuth - deltaAzimuth
for i in range(1,nbPoints 1):
disti = deltaDistance * i
#print("disti = " str(disti))
piLat,piLon = pointFrom(p0Lat,p0Lon,azi,disti)
printLatLon(piLat,piLon,prefix=str.format("{:.3} {:.3} : ",azi,disti))
# compute n points point at distance from azimuth - 35 to aximuth 35
deltaAzPoint = 5.0
nbPoints = int(2.0 * deltaAzimuth / deltaAzPoint)
print(str.format("delta azimuth {:.3} deg",deltaAzPoint))
az0 = azimuth - deltaAzimuth
for i in range(1,nbPoints 1):
azi = az0 i*deltaAzPoint
#print("az : " str(azi))
piLat,piLon = pointFrom(p0Lat,p0Lon,azi,distance)
printLatLon(piLat,piLon,prefix=str.format("{:.3} {:.3} : ",azi,distance))
# compute points from distance to 0 (p0) for azimuth 35
nbPoints = 5
print(str.format("delta distance {:.3} km",deltaDistance))
azi = azimuth deltaAzimuth
for i in range(nbPoints-1,0,-1):
disti = deltaDistance * i
piLat,piLon = pointFrom(p0Lat,p0Lon,azi,disti)
printLatLon(piLat,piLon,prefix=str.format("{:.3} {:.3} : ",azi,disti))
# return to origin
# print result
for latLon in pList: