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Filter data dynamically based on a hierarchical user id in cube.js


I have two tables called Writers and Publications where there is a foreign key publications.writer_id = writers.id


id (int) parent_id (int) role (varchar) name (varchar) path (ltree)
1 ADMIN Firstname Lastname
2 1 EDITOR Anon Anon 1.2
3 2 WEB EDITOR Maisy Tickles 1.2.3
4 2 WEB EDITOR Jack Beanstalk 1.2.4


id (int) writer_id (FK) publication_name (varchar) word_length (int) published (datetime)
1 2 My First Magazine 6000 2019-09-09 09:00:00
2 2 My Second Magazine 6000 2019-09-16 09:00:00
3 3 My First Article 1000 2019-09-23 09:00:00
4 4 My First Article 1500 2019-09-23 09:00:00
5 4 My Second Article 600 2019-10-01 09:00:00
6 5 My First Piece 600 2020-10-01 09:00:00

I want to do a proof of concept in cube.js Developer Playground to show various charts. Is it possible to filter dynamically based on the user_id so that they can only access content that is equal to or in their subtree i.e.

  • If an ADMIN/EDITOR is using, they can see all the publications
  • If the WEB EDITOR (writers.id=4) is using the application, they can only see their own articles (publications.id in (4,5))
  • If the WEB EDITOR (writers.id=3) is using the application, they can see their publication and the WEB PROOFREADER's one (publications.id in (3,6))
  • The WEB PROOFREADER should only see their publication (publications.id=6)

These are the models I have set up so far

cube(`Writers`, {
  sql: `SELECT * FROM public.writers`,
  preAggregations: {},
  joins: {

      sql: `${CUBE}.id = ${Publication}.writer_id`,
      relationship: `hasMany`
  measures: {
    count: {
      type: `count`,
      drillMembers: [id, name, created]
  dimensions: {
    id: {
      sql: `id`,
      type: `number`,
      primaryKey: true

 role: {
          sql: `role`,
          type: `string`,

cube(`Publications`, {
  sql: `SELECT * FROM public.publications`,
  preAggregations: {},
  joins: {

      sql: `${CUBE}.writer_id = ${Writers}.id`,
      relationship: `hasOne`
  measures: {
    count: {
      type: `count`,
      drillMembers: [id, name, created]

 dimensions: {
     id: {
          sql: `id`,
          type: `number`,
          primaryKey: true

     wordLength: {
              sql: `word_length`,
              type: `number`,

I know there are filters and segments but these appear to be static. Is there any way to pass a writer_id to filter the relevant data dynamically? (I have no previous knowledge of JS)

CodePudding user response:

I think you can query the cube from your front-end application, queries are dynamic you can filter with the id.

CodePudding user response:

I think these recipes can help you:

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