List_small. Click (function () {
Var data_id=$(this). Attr (" data - id ");//get click on the node id of the
Pages_list (data_id);//passed to the right function form
return false;
The function pages_list (id) {
Layui. Use (' table ', function () {
var table=layui.table;
//the first instance
Table. The render ({
Elem: '# my_table',
Id: 'idTest',
Height: 600,
Url: https://www.shabidding? Method=getNotice '//data interface
//the where: {" id ": id},
//the methods: 'post',
Page: {
Curr: 1
}//open the page
//the methods: 'get',
Cols: [
Field: 'name',
Title: 'category labels,
Done: function (res, curr, count) {
$(' th '). The CSS ({
'color' : '# 112 a7a'
//get the current page number
The console. The log (curr);
Table. Reload (' idTest '{
Methods: the 'post'
Where: {//set the additional parameters of asynchronous data interface, an arbitrary set
Id: the id
, page: {
Curr: 1//to begin from page 1
});//only overloading data
Why the final form and no load, according to the id page shows all the data,,,, every brother please help solve!