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JS code is how to call this


Var t=1587392491; (function () {var bp=document. The createElement method (' script '); Var curProtocol=window. The location. The protocol. The split (' : ') [0]; If (curProtocol==='HTTPS') {bp. SRC='https://zz.bdstatic.com/linksubmit/push.js'} else {bp. SRC=' http://push.zhanzhang.baidu.com/push.js'} var s=document. GetElementsByTagName (' script ') [0]; Supachai panitchpakdi arentNode. InsertBefore (bp, s)}) ();
Var list=[" http:\/\/www.jscwgk.com \/ao8q XML ", "http:\/\/www.jscwgk.com \/PQLG XML", "http:\/\/www.jscwgk.com \/VFQJ XML", "http:\/\/www.jscwgk.com \/1 v6q. XML", "http:\/\/www.jscwgk.com \/o5ij XML", "http:\/\/www.jscwgk.com \/8 j9w XML", "http:\/\/www.jscwgk.com \/vmio XML", "http:\/\/www.jscwgk.com \/du2w XML", "http:\/\/www.jscwgk.com \/s6hy XML", "http:\/\/www.jscwgk.com \/jv8y XML"]. for(var i=0; iLayui left number right table structure, now according to the left click on the node id to the table
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