I have a multi-line nvarchar that contains a string in the below format:
@String =
'ReportHeaderColor{R:98, B:183, G:178}
ReportHeaderFontColor{R:255, B:255, G:255}
ReportBodyHeaderColor{R:98, B:183, G:178}
ReportBodyFontColor{R:255, B:255, G:255}'
I want to be able to use a nvarchar value @Attribute = 'ReportHeaderFontColor' and extract just the line from @String that contains the @Attribute value
CodePudding user response:
Just another approach
Declare @String varchar(max)=
'ReportHeaderColor{R:98, B:183, G:178}
ReportHeaderFontColor{R:255, B:255, G:255}
ReportBodyHeaderColor{R:98, B:183, G:178}
ReportBodyFontColor{R:255, B:255, G:255}'
Declare @Find varchar(150) = 'ReportHeaderFontColor'
Select value
From string_split(replace(replace(@String,'}','}|'),char(13) char(10),''),'|')
where charindex(@Find,value)>0
ReportHeaderFontColor{R:255, B:255, G:255}
CodePudding user response:
How about the following using apply
to find the begin/end positions to find and substring
to extract:
declare @Attribute nvarchar(100)= 'ReportHeaderFontColor',
@String nvarchar(max) =
'ReportHeaderColor{R:98, B:183, G:178}
ReportHeaderFontColor{R:255, B:255, G:255}
ReportBodyHeaderColor{R:98, B:183, G:178}
ReportBodyFontColor{R:255, B:255, G:255}';
with s as (select @string as string)
select Substring(string,b.pos,e.pos-b.pos 1)
from s
cross apply(values(charindex(Concat('ReportBodyHeaderColor','{'), string)))b(pos)
cross apply(values(CharIndex('}', string, b.pos)))e(pos)
where b.pos>0;
ReportHeaderFontColor{R:255, B:255, G:255}
CodePudding user response:
you can split the string by line feed char(10)
and then remove carriage return char(13)
as follows:
Declare @Attribute nVarChar(50)= 'ReportHeaderFontColor'
Declare @String nVarChar(max) =
'ReportHeaderColor{R:98, B:183, G:178}
ReportHeaderFontColor{R:255, B:255, G:255}
ReportBodyHeaderColor{R:98, B:183, G:178}
ReportBodyFontColor{R:255, B:255, G:255}'
Select Replace(Value,Char(13),'') As Result
From String_Split(@String,Char(10))
Where Value Like Concat('%',@Attribute,'%')
Result |
ReportHeaderFontColor{R:255, B:255, G:255} |